
Results for British

Creation of the Province of British Columbia

Création de la Province de Columbie-Britannique


The province of British Columbia was created on July 20, 1871. Formerly a crown colony established by the union in 1866 of Vancouver Island with the mainland colony of British Columbia, the addition of the ...

India House / British Memorial Garden in Hanover Square

Exploring Downtown

India House

The handsome brownstone building facing Hanover Square, built in 1853, originally housed the Hanover Bank – making this a rare surviving bank building from pre-Civil War New York. Like so many banks, it was inspired by ...

British Commanders

Lieutenant General Charles, Lord Cornwallis (1738 - 1805)

Lord Cornwallis, a member of one of England’s most prominent noble families, began his military career in 1756. He distinguished himself during the Seven Year’s War (1756 - 1763). At the ...

British Position

Battle of Cooch's Bridge

On the morning of September 3, 1777, soldiers of the Hessian Field Jaeger Corps encountered American light infantry positioned in the woods and fields along this road, which led from Aikentown (Glasgow) to Cooch's Bridge. The Americans ...

The British Attack

Rawdon’s advance companies, the light infantry and grenadiers of the Volunteers of Ireland, struck the pickets on Greene’s left. The musket fire alerted the Americans, who hurried to get into battle formation.

Meanwhile, Rawdon deployed the first three units in his ...

British Blockhouse - 1777

Mount Independence State Historic Site

“Blockhouses, none of them finished.” -

Lt. John Starke, Royal Navy, September 1777

After the British captured Mount Independence on July 6, 1777, their military engineers decided to build six new blockhouses to augment American-built ...

First British Columbia School

On this site Rev. R.J. Staines and wife opened the first British Columbia School in 1849. In the same building of Fort Victoria the first Legislative Assembly met August 12th 1856.

[Plaque below]

This plaque unveiled by Honorable Nancy Hodges, first woman ...

The British Army

Lord Rawdon commanded less than 950 men at Hobkirk’s Hill. The majority were American Loyalists in the Volunteers of Ireland (140), the King’s American Regiment (160), New York Volunteers (160), the South Carolina Royalists (130), and Major John Coffin’s dragoons ...

The British Garrison in London

In one of several concentrations of British troops in Upper Canada various infantry and artillery units were stationed on a military reserve here during the mid-19th century. The garrison, which contributed significantly to the economic growth of London, was first ...

British Cemetery - HMT Bedfordshire

These gravesites contain the bodies of four British seamen. Their ship, the armed trawler HMS Bedfordshire, was on loan to our Navy by Great Britain to help protect our shores during the early days of World War II.

On May 11, ...
