
Results for Campsite

Lewis and Clark Campsite

July 30 - August 2, 1804

On July 30 the explorers arrived at the bluff where Fort Atkinson would be built less than two decades later. Clark wrote, "The Situation of this place which we Call Council Bluff which is handsom ...

Lewis and Clark Campsite

July 30 - August 2, 1804

On July 30 the explorers arrived at the bluff where Fort Atkinson would be built less than two decades later. Clark wrote, "The Situation of this place which we Call Council Bluff which is handsom ...

Lewis and Clark Campsites

August 3 and 4, 1804

On August 3 Lewis and Clark held a council with the Oto and Missouria Indians at a site they named "Council Bluff," near present Fort Calhoun, Nebraska. It was the first of many councils they would ...

Campsite of Union Army


The Union Army of 65,000 men under the command of General Wm. T. Sherman left Atlanta on November 15, 1864. Only the left wing of 30,000 men entered Milledgeville. The advance units arrived here on the 22nd. The right wing ...

Prehistoric Indian Campsite

In this vicinity are the remains of a prehistoric Indian refuse pile, comprised mainly of clam shells. Archeologists call such sites "shell middens." They are the result of centuries of shellfish harvesting by early Indian groups. Shells found at this ...

Campsite of General Custer's Expedition

August 1 - 6, 1874

This picturesque valley was the site of the permanent camp of the Black Hills Expedition of 1874 under the command of General George A. Custer of the 7th Cavalry. Their 5 day stay was the longest ...

Campsite of Edward Kern

Near this spot at the confluence of the north and south forks of the Kern River the Theodore Talbot Party of Captain John C. Fremont’s third expedition to the West camped for several weeks during December 1845 and January 1846. ...

Lewis & Clark Campsite


The Lewis and Clark Expedition camped in this area July 2, 1804 opposite the head of Bear Medicine Island (later Kickapoo Island) and replaced a broken mast with a cut cottonwood. They noted across the river remains of the ...

British Campsite

For a week following the Battle of Monmouth, the main British army under Gen. Sir Henry Clinton spread its encampment both side of this road while awaiting transport from Sandy Hook. They embarked for New York July 5, 1778.

Marker is ...

British Campsite

For a week following the Battle of Monmouth, the main British Army under Gen. Sir Henry Clinton spread its encampment both sides of this road while awaiting transport from Sandy Hook. They embarked for New York July 5, 1778.

Marker is ...
