
Results for Cannon

Lincolnville War of 1812 Cannon

This cannon

was stationed at

Lincolnville beach for the

protection of this village

during the War of 1812

Restored to

this original location

on May 18, 1957

by Edwin W. Kibbe

who gave it to the people

of the Town of Lincolnville

Marker is on Atlantic Highway (U.S. 1) 0.1 miles ...

Les Shirley Park and Cannon Beach

Les Shirley Park, in the city of Cannon Beach, commemorates the arrival of Lewis and Clark’s expedition, the Corp of Discovery, to the Pacific Coast and marks their furthest southern travel along the coast.

While waiting for a trading vessel ...

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The Copperopolis Bell and Cannon

[Displayed at the Copperopolis Elementary School are a bell and a cannon along with their accompanying markers:]

The Bell

This bell cast in 1860, the first school in Copperopolis in 1862. The bell yoke shows repair, break probably from school fire of ...

U.S.S. Constitution Cannon

This cannon, formerly mounted on the U.S.S. Constitution “Old Ironsides” was obtained by the City of Galion from the Boston Navy Yards in 1934.

The Constitution, build in 1797, saw action in the Barbary Coast War and the War of 1812. ...

The Athens Double-Barrelled Cannon

This cannon, the only known one of its kind, was designed by Mr. John Gilleland, a private in the “Mitchell Thunderbolts,” an elite “home guard” unit of business and professional men ineligible because of age or disability for service in ...

Columbiad Cannon – 1850

Last on duty at Fort Point on San Francisco Bay. Grass Valley Women’s Improvement Club arranged with the U.S. War Department for donation to be placed in City Square, now Dow Alexander Park. Transferred from Benicia Arsenal to here in ...

Duncan Cannon

William B. Duncan, Chairman of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, presented this Rodman smooth bore cannon to the city of Cairo as a gift, May 27, 1905. The gun saw action for both sides of the Civil War at Fort ...

Civil War Memorial Cannon

March 29, 1909

Presented by the War Dept. To Paul E. Slocum Post No. 85 G.A.R. and by the Post to Monroe Co.

In memory of her Soldiers of 1861-1865.

Marker is on Walnut Street north of West Kirkwood Avenue, on the ...

The Atomic Cannon

Model. M65 280 m.m.

Weight. 42,500 lbs.

Length. 42 feet

(1) One of only (3) three in existence, the other two are located at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma and the U.S. Army Ordinance Center in Aberdeen, Maryland. It was placed in service November 17, ...

Civil War Cannons - Owen County Indiana

"Soldiers War Memorial" in Riverside Cemetery

[ Stone Base - Side 1 ]

Cannon Used in War for the Unity

1861 - - 1865

Loaned by War Dept. U. S. A.

[ Stone Base - Side 2 ]

Dedicated to the

Union Soldiers of Owen County


Gettysburg ...
