
Results for Civil War

Civil War in Lynchburg

Prisoner-of-War Camp

This was the site of a Confederate training camp and Union prisoner-of-war camp during the Civil War. Before Virginia seceded from the Union in April 1861, the population of Lynchburg doubled

with the influx of soldiers from

other parts of the ...

Ulster County Civil War Monument

To the

Soldiers and Sailors

of the County of


in the War for the Union

1861 – 1865

Their grateful fellow citizens

Marker is on Broadway, on the left when traveling east.


Wabash College Students who Served in the Civil War

~? ~? ~ ~ Roll of Honor ~ ~? ~?

[ Row One ]

~ ~ ~ Major Generals ~ ~ ~

Lewis Wallace ? Edward R. S. Canby ? Joseph J. Reynolds

~ ~ ~ Brigadier Generals ~ ~ ~

John C. ...

The Civil War Governor

Richard Yates moved from Kentucky to Jacksonville in 1831. Four years later he became the first graduate of Illinois College. Abraham Lincoln and Yates admired Henry Clay and actively supported the Whig Party. Both strongly opposed Stephen A. Douglas and ...

Statesville in the Civil War

The Raiders Soon Departed


On March 24, 1865, Union Gen. George Stoneman led 6,000 cavalrymen from Tennessee into southwestern Virginia and western North Carolina to disrupt the Confederate supply line by destroying sections of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, the North ...

Washington County Civil War Monument

This monument

is presented by

Dr. Erskine G. Clark

to the Village of

Sandy HillDedicated to the honor and patriotism of the soldiers of Washington County who served in our war to suppress the southern rebellion of 1861, waged against ...

Salomon Brothers in the Civil War

In memory of four brothers

Residents of Manitowoc

Distinguished for service in the Civil War

Charles E. Salomon

Brigadier General US Army

Fred Salomon

Major General US Army

Edward Salomon

Governor of Wisconsin 1862-1864

Herman Salomon

Sergt. Co. I 1st MO. Engrs. US Army

Marker is at the intersection of South ...

Putnam County Civil War Honor Roll

[ Plaque - “One” ]

Civil War Veterans

who died during the war

W. F. Boyd ? J. W. Busby ? W. Conklin

J. H. McGill ? J. Singer

[ Plaque - “Two” ]

( Row One )

W. Ball ? A. C. Batte ...

Eli Lilly and The Civil War ( 1861--1865 )

The year 1861 would prove to be a very eventful year for the young Eli Lilly. On January 31, 1861, a marriage license was issued to the 22-year-old Eli Lilly and his local sweetheart, Emily Lemon. Shortly after his marriage, ...

Granby Civil War Monument

(South side)


Col. Richard E. Holcomb June 14, 1863

Surg. W. Horatio Goddard Aug. 18, 1963

8, Regt. Conn. Vols. Inf.

Henry Saunders May 17, 1862

Lafayette Tillotson Sept. 17, 1862

10, Regt. Conn. Vols. Inf.

Cyrus R. Bunnell Dec. 30, 1862

Edwin W. Jones Aug. 29, 1864

Geo. ...
