
Results for Confederate Cemetery

Confederate Cemetery


When the Battle of Perryville ended, hundreds of dead soldiers were left on the battlefield. The Confederates, who attacked the Union battle lines, lost 532 killed, 2,641 wounded, and 228 missing (3,401 total). Federal losses were just as staggering. The ...

Confederate Cemetery

In the cemetery north of the road are buried Confederate soldiers of the Army of Tennessee, who fell while opposing the advance of Rosecrans' Army of the Cumberland through Liberty Gap and Guy's Gap, in late June, 1863. Also buried ...

Oakwood Cemetery Confederate Section

After the First Battle of Manassas, Richmond appropriated this approximately 7.5 - acre lot on 12 Aug. 1861 for burial of Confederate war dead. These Soldiers from every Southern state either died in Richmond's military hospitals, such as Chimborazo, or ...

Washington Confederate Cemetery

Immediately after the Civil War, Union casualties in the Frederick-Washington County areas were re-interred at a new National Cemetery at Sharpsburg. Yet no provisions were made to provide decent burial for thousands of hastily-buried Confederates. To address this problem, the ...

Killian Road Baptist Church Cemetery Confederate Soldiers Monume

A partial list of soldiers enlisted from this community 1861 ~ 1865 Confederate States of America

Wess Abbott; W. B. Cooper; Wess Cooper; Elihu Davis; Thos. Dent; Robt. Fann; R.W. Fann; Henry Faust; Chas. Grimsley; Ervin Grimsley; Albert Hammond; Pat Hammond; ...

Confederate Cemetery

In this lonely spot lie the mortal remains of more than 100 unknown soldiers of the Confederacy. Most of them were wounded while heroically defending the City of Atlanta against overwhelming forces of General Sherman, and died in an improvised ...

Confederate Cemetery

The remains of 360

Confederates who fell

in the Battle of

Bentonville lie here.

They were moved to

this plot from other

parts of the battle-

field in 1893. the

monument was erected

at that time.

Marker is on Harper House Road east of Mill Creek Church Road, on the ...

Confederate Cemetery

Buried here are nineteen men (out of perhaps 100) killed during the last two days of war in Virginia. These men were at first buried where they died – at hospitals or in farm fields and woodlots around Appomattox Court ...

Appomattox Court House Confederate Cemetery

Here are buried eighteen Confederate soldiers who dies April 8 and 9, 1865 in the closing days of the War Between the States. The remains of one unknown Union soldier found some years after the war are interned beside the ...

Confederate Cemetery

1 mile SW are buried 407 unknown Confederates. Many of these died in one of the hospitals established here when Tullahoma was headquarters for the Army of Tennessee during the first six months of 1863, following the Battle of Murfreesboro ...
