
Results for Confederate Dead

Confederate Dead

More than 200 soldiers from every Confederate state are buried in two separate plots in Linwood Cemetery. Many of these men died in the several Confederate hospitals located in Columbus, 1862-1865. Numbers fell in the battle here, Easter Sunday, April ...

To the Confederate Dead of Gloucester

Erected by their surviving comrades and friends.

Plant the fair column o'er the vacant grave, a soldier;s honors let a soldier have.


Marker can be reached from Gloucester Courthouse Grounds.


Rivers Bridge Confederate Dead

( Front face )

In Memory

of our

Confederate Dead

who fell in battle at

River's Bridges

Feb. 4, 1865.

(Reverse face )

Soldier's rest, your welfare o'er,

Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,

Dream of battlefields no more,

Days of ...

Our Confederate Dead

Rivers Bridge State Park

Most of the Confederates killed here were Georgians,

and most were unknown when they were reburied. But

the local community remembered them as " our

Confederate dead, " the fallen heroes of a common cause. The monument placed over ...

Unknown Confederate Dead

Forty ~ five unknown Confederate soldiers, “known but to God,” are buried in this cemetery. These men died of wounds or disease in the Confederate hospitals in Greensboro, 1863 ~ 1865. These hospitals were the Dawson, Bell, Polk, Court House, ...

Confederate Dead Monument

In memory of

the Confederate


Erected under

the auspices of Goldsboro Rifles

October 10, 1894.


[ Left of Monument: ]

On this spot and

in this vicinity

was fought

the Battle of


March 19, 1865.


[ Right of Monument: ]

Twenty three of

those buried here

had their last hours

soothed by the

loving care of

John ...

To the Confederate Dead

(Text of tablet placed in 1992):In honor of Confederate Soldiers

who died in Fredericksburg Oct 1861 through Mar 1862

and buried in Barton St. Cemetery

No record of reinterment when site reused in 1920


14th Infantry-

Archer G.W.

Barron W

Blair R

Brooks J M

Chalk B P

Clark J ...

Confederate Dead of Fairfield County

[South Side]

17th S.C.V.C.

2nd S.C.V.C.

7th S.C.V.C.

1st S.C.V.C.

Beaufort Art.

3rd S.C.S.T.


[West Side]

2nd S.C.V.I.

12th S.C.V.I.

4th S.C.V.C.

5th S.C.V.C.

[North Side]

13th S.C.V.I.

17th S.C.V.I.

3rd S.C.V.C.

5th S.C.V.I.

15th S.C.V.I.

3rd Bat. S.C.V.I.


[East Side]

6th S.C.V.I.

7th Bat. Enfield R.

6th S.C.V.C.

1st S.C.V.C.

Marker is on Hudson Street 0.1 miles east of Zion Street, on the ...

Our Confederate Dead


Erected by the

James B. Gordon Chapter

United Daughters of the Confederacy

October 1905

Winston-Salem, N.C.


"Sleeping, but glorious,

Dead in Fame's portal,

Dead, but victorious,

Dead, but immortal!

They gave us great glory,

What more could they give?

They have left us a story,

A story to live!"


In Camp on fame's ...

Unknown Confederate Dead

Here sleep, known but to God, 250 Confederate and two Federal soldiers, most of whom died of wounds, disease and sickness in the Confederate hospitals located here - 1862-1864.

These men were wounded in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, ...
