
Results for Confederate Line

Main Confederate Line

The Confederate Left

Wing, part of a long

hook-shaped line de-

signed to trap the

Union forces, extended

across the road here

on March 19. This

sector, occupied by

Maj. Gen. R. F. Hoke’s

Division, was evacuated

on March 20. ...

Confederate Line Crossing the Goldsboro Road

Directly in front and to your left, Confederate Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hoke’s division, on loan from the Army of Northern Virginia, blocked the old Goldsboro Road (now Harper House Road) to deflect the oncoming Union advance. The division was ...

Confederate North Carolina Junior Reserve Line

In front of you is where the North Carolina Junior Reserves stood as the Army of Tennessee made its last grand charge against Carlin’s division at the Cole plantation on March 19, 1865. Three regiments and one battalion of Junior ...

The Confederate Line

at Ogeechee Church, No. 4 1/2, CRR

On Nov. 28, 1864, Maj. Gen. H.C. Wayne, Adj. Gen. of Georgia, with a small force (CS) composed of the Corps of Cadets, Georgia Military Institute, Warthen`s Washington County militia company and Pruden`s ...

Battle of Nashville Confederate Line

Trenches about 20 ft. N of this point, held by Loring's Division, were the center of the confederate main line before the Battle of Nashville. On Dec. 15, 1864, Redoubt No. 1, a key artillery salient 200 yds. NW, fired ...

Confederate Line of Battle

July 3, 1863 - Third Day

"Smoke soon hid everything, the firing was as rapid as musketry, and shot and shell flew in flocks."

Lt. Col. E. Porter Alexander, C.S.A.

Commander of the Confederate bombardment

Confederate artillery and infantry occupied the low, wooded ridge ...

Main Confederate Battle Line

June 1-17, 1864

About a hundred yards southeast of this marker is the remnant of a 15 mile line of Confederate fortifications. These infantry trenches were occupied until June 17th by the Army of Mississippi, a unit within the Confederate Army ...

Confederate Line

Here, the intrenched line held by Gen. J. E. Johnston’s forces [CS] during the fighting on the Dallas - New Hope Ch. front, crossed the road; line erected and occupied May 26 and abandoned June 4, 1864.

Three of the 10 ...

Left of the Confederate Line

Hardee’s A.C. was on the left of General J.E. Johnston’s line [CS] – Dallas - New Hope front. May 26 - June 4, 1864. Dallas was the southern-most objective of Federal forces in their flanking march around Allatoona.

During the Federal ...

Confederate Line

5 P.M. May 19, 1864

The three corps of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston’s Army [CS] were withdrawn from N. & W. of Cassville to this ridge, E. & S. of the town.

Hardee was posted astride the R.R. near Cass Station ...
