
Results for Education

Florida Education Association: The Beginning

Florida teachers and administrators numbering 700 met here in Chautauqua Hall for a "teachers institute" called the Florida Chautauqua. The meeting was called to order by J.A. Graham, City Superintendent of Schools, Key West, at 12:30 p.m., on Thursday March ...

Bluff Park Elementary School / Hoover Community Education

Summit/Hale Sps., a one-room school, opened on the mountain in 1898. It moved to this site and was named Bluff Park Elementary School with 50 students and funded with community support in 1923. From two-rooms, it expanded to 32 classrooms ...

Advanced Education Center

Religious denominations organized Georgia’s first colleges for women. Madison flourished as an educational center following the 1850 incorporation of both the Georgia Female College (Baptist), initially chartered as Madison Collegiate Institute, and the Madison Female College (Methodist).

The Georgia Female College ...

N.C. Education Association

Organized in 1884 as

N.C. Teachers Assembly

in the White Sulphur

Springs Hotel. Building

was one mile northwest.

Marker is on Depot Street (North Carolina Route 1247) near Montgomery Street.


S.C.L.C. and the Voter Education Program 1962-1970

Dorchester Academy

Citizenship Schools

Dorchester Cooperative Center played a key role in the struggle for civil rights and the vote.

In 1954, Septima Clarke, a school teacher from Charleston, SC and Esau Jenkins, a farmer and school bus driver from Johns Island, SC, ...

Ohio Institution for Education of the Blind

This nine acres of land was purchased by the citizens of Columbus in 1837, and deeded to the state for use as the Ohio School for the Blind. The first building, designed by N. B. Kelly and occupied in October ...

Early Education in Dinwiddie County

Dinwiddie, Virginia

Prior to the Civil War, Dinwiddie County was home to several private academies for those who could afford to pay for their education. While it was mostly affluent males who were educated, Pegram’s Academy, Female Academy, Girard Heartwell School ...

Mela Leger-Bilingual Education Pioneer


Side A:

At four, Manuelita de Atocha (Mela) Lucero Leger read Spanish language newspapers to her blind grandfather in Colonias. Although New Mexico's constitution protects Spanish-speaking students, school children were often punished for speaking Spanish. As a pioneer in bilingual education, ...

Midland Education

In 1865 Neel School District was formed. Many years later in 1908 7th St in 1914 1st St and 1917 4th St schools were built. In 1926 Lincoln High School opened. In 2000 PA Cyber Charter School and 2006 Lincoln ...

Education in Spotsylvania County

Education was the responsibility of parents and churches until after the Civil War. Wealthier families hired tutors or sent their children to private schools. Poor children often learned a trade and received a basic education as apprentices.

In 1870 Spotsylvania County ...
