
Results for Gettysburg Campaign

Gettysburg Campaign

Gen. Jubal Early's Confederate troops occupied Waynesboro June 23, 1863. Next day they marched by Mont Alto to Greenwood, or Black Gap, where, June 25, they were ordered by Gen. Ewell to march to York.

Marker is at the intersection ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Over this route Confederate General R.S. Ewell's 2d Army Corps led Lee's invading forces on June 22, 1863. Next day Gen. Jubal Early, under Ewell's command, entered the state to the east, near Waynesboro.

Marker is on US 11 0.1 ...

Gettysburg Campaign

The Battle of Boonsboro

Two U.S. Cavalry divisions repulsed five rebel cavalry brigades in a day-long fight north of Boonsboro on July 8, 1863. The South Mountain passes remained open to the Federal Army in pursuit of the Confederates retreating ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Invasion & Retreat

After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war through Maryland, across the Mason and Dixon Line and into Pennsylvania. His infantry marched north through the ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Invasion & Retreat

After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war through Maryland, across the Mason and Dixon Line and into Pennsylvania. His infantry marched north through the ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Invasion & Retreat

After stunning victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia, early in May 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee carried the war through Maryland, across the Mason and Dixon Line and into Pennsylvania. His infantry marched north through the ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Entrenchments still visible by the roadsides were prepared in June, 1863, by militia under Col. J.C. Higgins against threatened Confederate attack toward the railroad at Altoona. The march of troops toward Gettysburg on June 30-July 1 ended the danger and ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Crossing South Mountain from Chambersburg, Gen. Hill's Corps of Lee's army assembled here on June 29-30, 1863. On July 1, his advance guard moved up from near Marsh Creek and met Union Troops west of Gettysburg.

Marker is on Chambersburg ...

Gettysburg Campaign

The Battle of Gettysburg began here the morning of July 1, 1863, when Union cavalry scouts under Gen. Buford met Gen. Hill's army advancing from the west. Arrival of Gen. Ewell's army that afternoon drove Union troops to south of ...

Gettysburg Campaign

Part of Gen. Early's Confederate army, under Gen. J.B. Gordon, passed here June 27, 1863, to York. Early's main force followed a parallel route through Hampton and East Berlin. Both entered York the following day.

Marker is on York Road ...
