
Results for Indiana County

Perry County Indiana Honor Roll Memorial

In memory of Perry County Veterans who gave their lives for their Country

* * * Spanish American * * *

Albert Hemphill

* * * World War I * * *

[ Row One ]

Albert Bauer • Eugene Bolin • James Bolin • ...

Tipton County (Indiana) World War I and II Memorial

This Hospital

Erected by public subscription

to keep alive

the Honored and Prayerful memory

of those who served from Tipton County

in World Wars I and II

Tablet presented by

Charles Sturdevant - -Post No.46 American Legion

Sharpsville - - - - -Post No. 443 American Legion

Wisehart and ...

Tipton County (Indiana) Veterans Memorial

Tipton County Veterans Memorial

Marker is on East Jefferson Street east of South Main Street, on the right when traveling east.


Tipton County (Indiana) Veterans Memorial

Tipton County Veterans Memorial

Marker is on East Jefferson Street east of South Main Street, on the right when traveling east.


Harrison County (Indiana) Fair

Oldest continuous County Fair existing in Indiana. First fair held Sept. 11 - 14, 1860. Citizens met jan. 1860, organized Harrison County Agricultural Society, adopted constitution which with amendments governs yet today. Ground purchased Mar. 1860 from Benj. Aydelott, half ...

Fountain County (Indiana) Court House


Fountain County Court House


Has been placed on the

National Register of Historic Places

by the United States Department

of the Interior

Marker is on 4th Street north of Liberty Street, on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy ...

Winning School of Parke County Indiana

American Legion Oratorical Contest 1954

1809 (Relief of Lincoln) 1865

The Gettysburg Address

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created ...

Vermillion County Indiana - - War Memorial

Dedicated to all veterans during war and peace time.

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Nothing hurts like being forgotten. Nothing helps like being remembered. For those who fight for it, life has a special flavor the protected never know.

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Colonial Wars


Revolutionary ...

Honor Roll - Marshall County Indiana

[ Front ]

This Memorial dedicated to those from Marshall County who gave their all in the service of their Country

- - - 1917 - - - World War I - - - 1918 - - -

[ Column One ]

William E. ...

Honor Roll - Fulton County Indiana

[[ Middle Panel - Upper Section ]]

In honored memory of the Fulton County men whose lives were lost in the Service of their Country at time of war. Our debt to them is boundless. Our gratitude undying.

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