
Results for Morristown

This Morristown Green

This Morristown Green was given by the trustees of the Presbyterian Church in Morristown to the trustees of the Morristown Green in 1816 to be held in trust.

“For the use and enjoyment of the public and to remain as a ...

Continental Army Encampments at Morristown

1777 1781

Life Guard Camp

On this site the Commander in Chief’s Guard was encamped from December 1779 to June 1780. The Guard was reorganized in Morristown during the first encampment in 1777 and again in 1780. Washington made his headquarters in ...

Washington’s Route from Princeton to Morristown

By this route


with his army

retired to Morristown

after his victory

at Princeton

January – 1777


Erected by the


Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (New Jersey Route 27) and Church Street, on the right when traveling west on Main Street.


Washington’s Route from Princeton to Morristown

By this route


with his army

retired after his victory

at Princeton

Jan. 1777.

Erected by

Gen. Frelinghuysen Chapter


Marker is at the intersection of Foothill Road and Allen Road, on the right when traveling north on Foothill Road.


Washington’s Route from Princeton to Morristown

By this route


with his army

retired to Morristown

after his victory

at Princeton

January – 1777


Erected by the


Marker is at the intersection of Glen Alpin Road and Lees Hill Road, in the median on Glen Alpin Road.


Morristown World War I Memorial

In books are sealed what

history has penned:

What statesmen planned, what

captains turned the tide,

the humblest heart to Liberty,

a friend

here shares the faith for which

her soldiers died. - Edgar Lee Masters

Erected by the people of Morristown,

November 11, 1928

Joseph Nicolosi – Sculptor

[ ...

Survey by Major Erskine of Morristown

By Order of General Washington 1779

Court St. is now Park Place

Bridge Street is now Speedwell Ave.

Basking Ridge Road is now Bank St.

Jockey Hollow Road is now Washington St.

Marker can be reached from N Park Place, on the left when traveling ...

Morristown Military Memorial

For God and Country

Lest we forget

Marines * Army Navy * Air Force

This monument is dedicated to the men and women of the greater Morristown area who have honorably served and fought for our country from the American Revolution to Desert ...


Platted in 1802 by John Zane and William Chapline along the old Wheeling Road. Morristown was named for Duncan Morrison, an early settler, innkeeper, and Justice of the Peace. Older than the state itself. Morristown prospered into the mid-1800s, nurtured ...
