
Results for Patterson

Patterson's Westside Bell

This bell was for many years at the honor farm at Frank Raines Park in the Del Puerto Canyon and was returned to Patterson because it was believed to be either the old Las Palmas School bell or the Presbyterian ...

Patterson Store

Established in 1904 the Fred G. Patterson Store was famous as a general mercantile, specializing in shoes and cotton pick sacks. A shoe at the entrance indicated the store was open for business. In 1993 the family donated the buildings ...

Col. Robert Patterson

1753 - 1827

Explorer, surveyor, patriot, statesman, farmer, manufacturer, a leader in education, religion, good government, industry and transportation. Served in the Revolutionary War, the Indian Wars and War of 1812. Founded Lexington, Ky., and built its first house in 1776. ...

Patterson Baptist Church

Patterson 200 Years

Patterson Baptist Church

(The Rock Church)


The Baptist Church

The following material was adapted from notes put together by Reverend James B.M. Frost, March 1993:

Pelletreau’s “History of Putnam County,” written in the 1880s indicates ...

Patterson Veterans Monument

The War Monument

[ south face ]

Roll Of Honor

1917 – 1918

Town Of Patterson

Major Albert N. Towner • Major Charles B. Crane • Capt. John Towner • Lieut. Robert A. Johnston • Sergt. Daniel B. Brandon • Sergt. ...

Patterson Grange No. 939

Patterson 200 Years


Grange No. 939

(Original Charter

Patterson Grange No. 237)


The country was on the brink of a depression, and the power of the railroads dominated the post Civil War economy when farmers from the Midwest and the Northeast established ...

Mary Patterson Memorial Building

This building was built in 1924 by local industrialist Monroe Patterson as a memorial to his late wife, Mary T. Patterson. The structure was a home for working women and served as such for many years. When the building closed, ...

Benjamin Patterson Inn

1796 Painted Post Tavern

Built by Chas. Williamson,

Pulteney Land Ass'n Agent-

named in 1976 for the first

innkeeper, Benjamin Patterson.

Marker is at the intersection of West Pulteney Street (State Highway 415) and Wallace Street, on the right when traveling west on West Pulteney ...

Patterson's Battery - Lane's Battalion

Anderson's Division - Hill's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Hill's Corps Anderson's Division

Lane's Battalion Patterson's Battery

Two Napoleons, Four 12 pounder Howitzers

July 2 Was detached from the Battalion in the morning together with the Howitzer of Ross's Battery and ordered into position here. ...

William Patterson

William Patterson was the first known Methodist to set foot on Arkansas soil. He came from Kentucky in 1800 and cut the cane, where the city of Helena now stands, to build a warehouse for river traffic. He became a ...
