
Results for Revolutionary Soldiers

Revolutionary Soldiers and Patriots of Woodbridge

1776 1927

In memory of the Revolutionary soldiers and patriots of Woodbridge, New Jersey

Placed by

Janet Gage Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution

Marker is on Rahway Avenue near Trinity Lane, on the left when traveling south.


Carlisle Old Graveyard Revolutionary War Soldiers

Erected by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in grateful appreciation of the services of these soldiers of the Revolutionary War who lie buried here.

Located and verified by The Cumberland County County Chapter of the D.A.R.


Johnstown Cemetery Revolutionary War Soldiers

In memory of these

Revolutionary War soldiers

buried in this cemetery

Elijah Adams

Benjamin DeWolf

Caleb Hill

Abel Jewett

John Martin

Thomas Perkins

Moses Scovell

Peter Stevens


Pike County Revolutionary Soldiers

Charles Barker • Charles Love

William Beekman • Thomas McCann

Hugh Blackwell • Alexander McMillen

Reuben Bristol • Jacob Mowrer

Joshua Brooks • George Pennisten

John Brumley • John Peril

Charles Cissna • William Price

William Clark • Samuel Ridgway

Zachariah Cook • James Sargent

Benjamin Daniels • Snowden ...

Athens County Revolutionary Soldiers Memorial

To honor and commemorate

the Revolutionary Soldiers

buried in Athens County, Ohio

Daniel Anderson •

Thomas Arnold •

Isaac Barker •

Ebenezer Barrows •

Hopson Beebe •

Alvan Bingham •

Silas Bingham, Sr. •

William Bodwell •

John Bowman •

Abraham Bowers •

James Brice •

Isaac Brooks •

Benjamin Brown •

Samuel Brown •

Ebenezer Buckingham ...

Revolutionary Soldiers Memorial

In honor of revolutionary soldiers buried in this cemetery.

Johannes Bard Philip Rahn

Jacob Beihl George Jacob Scherman

Jacob Brothers Andreas Schreiver

John Crouse Abraham Sell

Conrad Dotterer Jacob Sell

John Eckert Jacob Warner

Andrew Herzig John Weikert

John Kitzmiller Jacob Will

John George Kitzmiller George Wilt

John Jacob Kitzmiller ...

French Soldiers of the Revolutionary War

We remember

these French Soldiers who gave

their lives for our independence

in our old St. Peter’s building

years 1781 – 1782

Lieutenant de Mauvis • Jean Bonnair • Jean Joseph Paquay • Alexis Labrue • Joseph Duguin • Georges Mochl • Claude-Pierre Dumageot • ...

Revolutionary War Soldiers Monument

John Bayley • Henry Brown • Isaac Brown • John Brown • Henry Cadmus • Issac Cadmus • John H. Cadmus • John P. Cadmus • Peter Cadmus • Lt. Col. Thomas Cadmus • James Campbell • Minard Cumen • ...

Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Bond County

In memory fo the soldiers of

the War of the American Revolution

who are buried in Bond County, Illinois

John Diamond • Joseph McAdams

James Green • Jacob Neer

Peter Hubbard • Williamson Plant

Charles Johnson • Hezekiah Rowe

James Long • Thomas White

Erected June 14, 1929

Marker ...

Revolutionary Soldiers of Henry County

This Tablet is Dedicated to the

Memory of Revolutionary Soldiers

of Henry County

Captain Philip Hendrick

Captain Nathaniel Leonard

Captain James Stevenson

Jacob Wimmer

Caleb Dille

Richard Conway

Christopher Long

Orr Scovelle

Hugh Heally

Aaron Dunn

Ebenizer Harper

Nathan Powell

Lewis Tacket

John McDonald

Jacob Morris

Thomas Hilman

William Wilson ...
