
Results for The Cannon

The Cannonball

Christmas Raid, December 27, 1862

Gen. John Hunt Morgan's Raiders arrived in Elizabethtown on December 27, 1862, appearing on the brow of the hill that is now the City Cemetery. The main objective of the Christmas Raid was to burn two ...

“The Cannons’ Flashes Lit Up the Terrible Scene”

The Breakthrough Trail

At various intervals along their lines, Confederate defenders constructed gun emplacements, called redans, such as the one in front of you. Each redan would hold as few as one or as many as six cannons. Virtually every square ...

The Cannon

This Model 1905 three inch field gun

saw service in the Mexican Campaign

against Pancho Villa, and was

originally obtained by a local veterans

organization during the mid-1950s.

In the early 1980s, American Legion

Bicentennial Post 1976, Annandale,

obtained stewardship of the cannon

and initiated a restoration project

that ...

The Cannonball House

(Upper Plaque):

This property has been

placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

(Lower Plaque):

The Cannon Ball House

Farmstead and dwelling built about 1740. Cannonball pierced the west wall during the Battle of Springfield, June 23, 1780.

New Jersey State ...

The Great Cannonade

The Battle of Monmouth

28 June, 1778

1:15 PM – 5:30 PM

“… Shot and Shells flying as thick as Hail.”

Major General Nathanael Greene

For several long, hot and exhausting hours during the afternoon of June 28, 1778, the largest land artillery ...

The Griffen Cannon and Memorial


The Griffen Cannon

One of 1400 guns made at Phoenix Iron

Company Shops between 1860 and 1865.

Invented by John Griffen

These 3 inch wrought iron rifled field

pieces served the Union forces with great

merit during the Civil ...

These Two Cannons

These two cannons were formerly mounted in front of the U.S. Naval Reserve Building on Front Street. Originally they were part of the Confederate defense system at Battery White near Georgetown.

Marker is on Front Street near Orange Street.


The "Columbiad" Cannon

10 inch

This 10 inch Columbiad Cannon defended Charleston Harbor from 1863 until the end of the War Between the States in 1865. It has a smooth, non-rifled, bore and fires a 10 inch round ball weighing 104 pounds. The markings ...

The Dewey Cannon

This cannon, captured in the Spanish-American War by Admiral Dewey, was presented to Three Oaks when its citizens raised $1,400 for a memorial to the men of the battleship Maine. This was the largest contribution, per capita, of any community ...

Spanish American War Veterans Gave Their Cannon

In appreciation

of the

Spanish American War Veterans

who gave their cannon from

this Site for World War II

Harry Bohannon Post

No. 75 American Legion

installs and dedicates this field

piece in their honor.

Marker is at the intersection of South Market Street and West Franklin Street, on ...
