
Results for The Court House

History of the Stewart County Courthouse

The first courthouse in Stewart County, Tennessee was erected in June 1806 in the Township of Dover. In 1823, the original log courthouse was replaced and later destroyed by fire during the Civil War in 1862. The courthouse was rebuilt ...

The Gaol and Courthouse, London, c.1843

Painting by George Russell Dartnell

“More change has been caused to the views around London by the cutting down of hills and the building of gullies.”

--Harriet Priddis, in her “Reminiscences” (1902)

In the 1840s George Russell Dartnell depicted the London District ...

The Five Courthouses of Walker County

The first Walker County Courthouse was available for county commissioners court meetings in July 1848; the building was finally completed in the center of the Huntsville public square in 1850. Because of a defective foundation, a second courthouse had replaced ...

The Shelby County Courthouse

In 1819, the State of Ohio formally recognized Shelby County, named for Isaac Shelby, veteran of the American Revolution and former governor of Kentucky. The first county seat was located in Hardin, but was moved to Sidney in 1820 to ...

The Henry County Courthouse

Henry County was organized in 1834 and Napoleon became the county seat in 1835. The first Court was held in a two-story log cabin located at the corner of Perry and Front Streets.

The first Courthouse was a plain two-story structure ...

The Court House

Powhatan County, Powhatan, Virginia

This Court House

1848-1849 was erected by order of court

in quarterly session entered on

the 6th day of March 1848

whereby for that purpose were appointed commissioners

John W. Nash - Wm. S. Dance

R.F. Graves - Philip St. George Cocke

The First ...

Courthouse Hill / The Plum Orchard

(Side A):

Courthouse Hill

In the early years of Delaware, this area was known as Briar Hill. It is the highest elevation in the city. Situated facing south and approximately at the center of the existing Courthouse, was the site of the ...

The Courthouse Lancaster County / John Simpson


The Courthouse Lancaster County

Built in 1825-1828. Designed by Robert Mills of Charleston, South Carolina, America's first native born, professionally trained architect, State Civil and Military Engineer and designer of the Washington Monument.

[Reverse]:John Simpson

John Simpson in 1792 gave a courthouse site ...

The Court House Well

Under This Tablet Is

The Court House Well

Dug in 1851, 52 feet in depth

For generations it was a main

source of domestic water

for the community.

“Gone is the ancient equipment

but still the living water flows.”

Tablet dedicated June 29, 1940 by

Ursula Parlor No. 1

Native ...

The Old Lake County Courthouse, 1878

The Old Courthouse has been, since its erection in 1878, a landmark in Lake County, Indiana. Construction of the central portion, including the clock tower, began with 500,000 hand-kilned bricks from the Henry Wise Brickyard in Crown Point, combining several ...
