
Results for The E.

Joseph E. Johnson and the Huntsman’s Echo

In April 1860 Joseph E. Johnson, a Mormon, established a road ranche at Wood River Center, today’s Shelton, and began publishing The Huntsman’s Echo, the first newspaper in Nebraska west of Omaha. He had earlier edited papers in Council Bluffs, ...

Bethel A.M.E. Church

Berks County's oldest Black church building. Erected 1837 by free African Americans; became an Underground Railroad station for escaped slaves seeking freedom. Rebuilt 1867; remodeled 1889. Congregation, dating from 1822, moved to Windsor Street in 1974.

Marker is at the intersection ...

Bethel A.M.E. Church

The Bethel African Methodist Episcopal congregatoin is the oldest independent black institution in Baltimore. Its origins date back to the late 18th century, when blacks withdrew from the parent Methodist Church in protest against racially segregated seating and lack of ...

Not So Little A Farm On the Prairie...

The agricultural censuses for 1860, 1865, and 1870 make it clear that J.B. Mahaffie had one of the most valuable farming operations in the township.

In 1865, J.B. owned 570 acres of land, with 240 of them enclosed by fence. The ...

The E. & G. Brooke Iron Company World War II Memorial


To commemorate the patriotism and perpetuate

the names of those who served with honor

in World War II

[Died in service]

Albert Bryan

Lewis Kennedy

Nick Piergrossi

[Honor Roll follows]

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Pennsylvania ...

Sounds along the roadway...soldiers on the move.

Frontier Military Scenic Byway

The Frontier Military Road was used to provide soldiers and supplies to the forts along the "Permanent Indian Frontier". Fort Leavenworth and Fort Scott were on the route in what is now eastern Kansas. The only major ...

Bethel A.M.E. Church

Incorporated in 1843

Moved in 1845 to the

building called “The

Seminary” standing here

at that time.

Marker is on Park Avenue (County Route 35), on the right when traveling south.


The E. E. Brady Livery Stable

Erected - 1890

Built between 1890 and 1895, this small building originally housed a blacksmith and wagon shop. From 1910 to 1914, E.E. Brady ran a livery, feed, and sales barn here. By 1916 this building was serving as the Seminole ...

About a mile in the distance...

About a mile in the distance, beyond the vista cut through the trees, you can see modern buildings on high ground which at the time of the battle of Chancellorsville was called Hazel Grove. When "Stonewall" Jackson began his famous ...

Bethel A.M.E. Church

Founded 1808 & known as the African Church. Chartered in 1818. Located nearby in early years, church was site of area's first school for colored children, 1831, & statewide civil rights convention, 1841. Congregation moved to Wylie Avenue, 1872; to ...
