
Results for The Erie Canal

Ohio-Erie Canal and Locks / The Columbus Feeder Canal

Ohio-Erie Canal and Locks

The Ohio-Erie Canal was built between 1825 and 1832 and extended 308 miles from Lake Erie at Cleveland to the Ohio River at Portsmouth. The greatest engineering achievement in Ohio up to that time, the canal gave ...

Canal Winchester and the Ohio and Erie Canal

[Marker Front]:

You are standing on the site of Ohio and Erie Canal. The canal helped to open the interior of Ohio to trade and settlement and played a part in Winchester's prosperity during the mid-1800s. Local farmers exported grain from ...

The Ohio & Erie Canal and the "Twin Cities" / The Ohio & Erie Ca

The Ohio & Erie Canal and the "Twin Cities"

On this site the Ohio & Erie Canal flowed south and down-level under the Market Street Bridge. Nearby Pawpaw Creek and the canal culturally divided the Swiss settlers to the west ...

Junction of the Ohio Erie and Lancaster Lateral Canals

Canals were an important means of transportation when Carroll was founded in 1829 by William Tong and his brother Oliver, who chose this site because it was where the proposed intersection of the Lancaster Lateral Canal and Ohio-Erie Canal would ...

The Erie Canal

Power Canal Park | Cohoes NY

The Erie Canal flowed through Cohoes along two distinct paths during the 19th century. The first phase, 1825-1841, is commonly referred to as "Clinton's Ditch" after New York Governor DeWitt Clinton, who was the foremost ...

The Miami and Erie Canal Lift Bridge


The lift bridge built in 1899 across the Miami & Erie Canal at Third Street (now Central Ave.), was the third bridge at this site since the canal began in 1825. An electric motor was used to raise the ...

The Miami and Erie Canal in Middletown

Port Middletown Plaza

Ohio's canal system was the most effective between 1827 and 1850, before the introduction of the railroads. In Middletown, the canal was still used well into the 20th century but in 1913 a devastating flood destroyed much ...

The Erie Canal - July 4, 1817

Historic New York

The ceremonies outside the village of Rome on Independence Day, 1817, climaxed years of discussion about building the Erie Canal. Dignitaries and local citizens assembled at sunrise to attend the start of construction. Judge Joshua Hathaway, a veteran ...

The Ohio & Erie Canal in Warwick Township

The greatest engineering achievement in Ohio during the pre-railroad era, the Ohio & Erie Canal traversed nearly six miles of Warwick Township. Completed in 1830, the canal brought prosperity to the village of Trenton (now Tuscarawas) and to township farmers ...

The Ohio-Erie Canal In Tuscarawas County

1825–1913. Seeking an alternative transportation route to distant markets, many farmers and manufacturers in Ohio wanted to connect the Ohio River to Lake Erie with a canal. Beginning in Cleveland the Ohio-Erie Canal ran south, the length of the state, ...
