
Results for The Railroad

Cape Girardeau and the Railroad

After the golden age of the steamboat, port cities like Cape Girardeau suffered as railroads provided alternate means of transportation.

Responding to the post-Civil War railroad boom, a syndicated of local business leaders formed the Cape Girardeau and State Line Railroad ...

Terminus of the Santa Fe Railroad

Panhandle, Texas

Originally “Carson City”, town name was changed 1887 when this site appeared to be the future metropolis of the Panhandle: it was to be at the junction of Santa Fe (under name “Southern Kansas”) and Fort Worth & Denver ...

Make Way for the Railroad


By 1851 the railroad had arrived at Rochester. Rail transit had been developed in the year before and had finally spread through Pittsburgh and surrounding western Pennsylvania towns.

Railroads were built on flat surfaces - one commonly flat location was along ...

The Central Railroad of New Jersey (CRRNJ) Terminal

Emigrant (Immigrant) Waiting Room

After passing the Statue of Liberty and being processed at Ellis Island, where did the new Americans go?

Once declared “clearly and beyond a doubt, entitled to land” almost two-thirds of the immigrants processed at Ellis ...

The Railroad Comes To Charleston

The first passenger railroad began operation in England in 1825. Word of this new kind of transportation quickly spread across the Atlantic. Charleston businessmen, suffering through a severe recession in the 1820s, were eager to explore this cheaper, faster, and ...

The Underground Railroad in West Milton

Side A:

In the year 1798, several prospectors traveled north from their North Carolina homes in search of new lands for themselves and their friends. Four of these known Quaker prospectors were John Mast, Jr., Martin Davenport and David Hoover ...

Defending the L&N Railroad

Building a Defence Stockade for the L&N Trestle on the Big Barren River

Railroad tracks, trestles and tunnels were frequent targets of Confederate cavalry raids and infantry attacks. During his "lightening raids" into Kentucky, Confederate General John Hunt Morgan and ...

Coming of the Railroad

Efforts to establish rail transportation in Delaware were realized in 1832 with the completion of the New Castle and Frenchtown Railroad connecting shipping traffic on the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware River. The promise of railroads was clearly demonstrated, and in ...

Alameda Terminus of the 1st Transcontinental Railroad

[Center and Main Marker:]

This plaque marks the terminus of the First Transcontinental Passenger train that started in New York City and terminated at Alameda Point Pier On September 6, 1869.

Erected by the U.S. Naval Air Station, Alameda in cooperation ...

The Underground Railroad in Lincoln's Neighborhood

The Underground Railroad refers to the efforts of enslaved African Americans to gain their freedom by escaping bondage. Acts of self-emancipation made runaways "fugitives" according to the laws of the time. While most began and completed their journeys unassisted, each ...
