
Results for VFW Post

VFW Post 9460 Memorial


Raymond T. Goldbach

Post No. 9460 Stratford, Conn.

In Memory

For all those who gave their lives

in all wars

Marker is at the intersection of Barnum Avenue (U.S. 1) and Veterans Boulevard (Longbrook Avenue), on the right ...

VFW Post 3097 Veterans Memorial

Remembering all veterans and their unfailing love of country; loyalty to its institutions and ideals; eagerness to defend it against all enemies; undivided allegiance to the flag; and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.

Marker ...

VFW Post 5463 Veterans Memorial

Dedicated by

Post No. 5463

Veterans of Foreign Wars

of the United States

in honor of

those who gave their lives

in the defense of their country

Silver Lake Park


Marker can be ...

Blacksburg VFW Post 4941 Veterans Monument

In Honor of

All Veterans

Marker is on South Shelby Street south of East Cherokee Street (U.S. 29), on the left when traveling south.


VFW Post 548 Veterans Memorials

In memory of the members of

General Daniel Morgan Post No. 548

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.A.

who gave their lives in service

in World War II

George C. Phillips •

John J. Luteman •

Clarence Prager •

Barton W. Core •

James ...

VFW Post 3656 Charter

By the authority of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States be it known that Comrades

[Charter Members - see photos]

having served honorably in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Air Force of the United States of America in ...

VFW Post 3565 War Memorial

They Gave All For Their Country

The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #3656 and the Ladies Auxiliary of Bristow, Oklahoma, honor the men who served in the Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, and especially ...

VFW Post 511 Vietnam Veterans Memorial

In Memoriam

To New Britain's Sons

Who Lost Their

Lives In Vietnam

Pedro Cancel PFC. • Richard E. Chabot L/Cpl • Richard W. Roy Sp4

Michael Smith L/Cpl • Paul Thorik Jr. Cpl • Stanley J. Ciesielski Sp4 • Francisco Gregory L/Cpl • Richard Gilbreath ...

VFW Post 389 Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the honor and sacrifice of our men and women who served our country.

Marker is at the intersection of 2nd Street and Spring Garden Street, on the left when traveling south on 2nd Street.

