
Results for WB

Christening the Towboat Eleanor

Paducah has long been the foremost hub of the inland marine waterways. Thus, many towboat companies have located here.The christening of the Towboat Eleanor is indicative of the significance of each new vessel that joins the home fleet of the ...

1870s Cowboy-Indian Fight

(Battleground 1 mi. N of Marker)

Near here in 1874 or 1875, 18 Indians attacked W. B. Brown and two comrades, spooking one horse and capturing bedrolls and grub, but sparing the men, who thankfully escaped. In the 1870s, when ...

Newberry Cotton Mills

Newberry Cotton Mills, incorporated

in 1882, began operation in 1885. The

mill was designed by prominent

textile mill architects Lockwood,

Greene, & Co. and was one of the

first cotton mills in the United States

operated by steam power. Z.F. Wright,

who served as president 1905 ...

Newburg and Hopewell Township World War II Memorial

Dedicated to the Glory of God and the Citizens of Newburg Penna, and Hopewell Township, who served their country in the cause of freedom

World War II

These died that liberty might not perish


Theron Hensel

David Palmer

Franklin Wheeler

The two outside panels contain the ...

Newburgh Area

Historic New York

          Palatine German refugees from the religious wars of Europe settled on these river banks in 1709, and Dutch and French Huguenots followed. During the Revolution, control of the Hudson River was important ...


1630 - 1930

Indian region called Quascacunquen. Settled 1635 under leadership of the puritan clergyman Thomas Parker.

Marker is on Main Street (Alternate Massachusetts Route 1), on the right when traveling north.


Cowboy Cemetery

Marker Front:

On September 12, 1878, the bodies of Reuban Bristow and Fred Clark were found near here. It was believed they had been killed by Northern Cheyenne Indians led by Chief Dull Knife. Bristow and Clark were cowboys hauling salt ...

Early Drawbridge

One of the few drawbridges in the American colonies was built near here by Benjamin Heron about 1768. Destroyed by British troops, 1781.

Marker is on Castle Hayne Road (U.S. 117) just north of Orange Street, on the right when traveling ...


1630 - 1930

Indian region called Quascacunquen. Settled 1635 under leadership of the puritan clergyman Thomas Parker.

Marker is on Main Street (Alternate Massachusetts Route 1), on the right when traveling north.


Spemica Lawba-Johnny Logan

[Front Side of Marker]: "Spemica Lawba-Johnny Logan"

In September 1786, Captain Benjamin Logan of Kentucky captured a young Indian boy during a raid across the Ohio River on the Machachac tribe towns of the Shawnee nation. Upon returning to Kentucky, Captain ...
