
Results for Washington County

Washington County Courthouse

Washington, Georgia’s ninth county and first in the nation to be named for George Washington, was created in 1784 for granting land to soldiers for Revolutionary War services.

Court House Square, located on the old stage coach road from Louisville to ...

Washington County Courthouse

This is Washington County's third courthouse. When the county was established in 1776, the first courthouse, a combination building that served also as a market house, was built in the middle of the town square, one block east of here. ...

Site of First Washington County Jail

Erected 1783, of logs

Aaron Burr incarcerated here 1807, en route to trial for treason

Placed by Governor Jared Irwin Chapter, D.A.R.

Marker is on Warthen Lane 0 miles from Warthen Lane, on the right when traveling south.


Washington County Jail

The first building used as the Washington Country Jail was a log house at 26-28 E. Franklin Street in Hagerstown. In 1818, the state legislature authorized the county to spend $12,000 to build a new jail.

The new jail was built ...

Washington County Jail

The first building used as the Washington Country Jail was a log house at 26-28 E. Franklin Street in Hagerstown. In 1818, the state legislature authorized the county to spend $12,000 to build a new jail.

The new jail was built ...

Minnesota Territory 1849 – 1858 / Washington County Takes Shape

Minnesota Territory 1849 – 1858

On March 3, 1849, during his last hours in office, President James K. Polk signed a bill adding a new name to the American political landscape – Minnesota Territory. A vast land, it stretched from ...

Washington County Courthouse

The first courthouse was located at Lee's Mill, Roper 1801. Moved to Plymouth 1823. It was destroyed by fire three times, 1860-1862-1881. Present courthouse built 1918.

Marker is on Adams Street north of East Main Street, on the right when ...

Frederick County / Washington County

[ South Facing Side: ]Frederick CountyNamed for Frederick 5th and last Lord Baltimore. Erected out of Prince George’s County in 1748. It then included Montgomery County and all of Maryland west to the West Virginia boundary.

[ North Facing Side: ]Washington ...

Washington County Veterans Memorial

Lord God of Hosts

be with us yet

Lest we forget

Lest we forget

In honor of the men and women of

this community who served in the

World Wars

W.W. I 1917-1918 • W.W. II 1941-1945


They grow not old, as

we that are left grow

old. Age shall ...

Washington County

Formed March 28, 1781 out of Westmoreland County and named for Gen. George Washington. A scene of activity in the Whiskey Rebellion, 1791-94. The county seat, Washington, was made a borough in 1810; a city in 1924. On the National ...
