
Results for Well House

The Court House Well

Under This Tablet Is

The Court House Well

Dug in 1851, 52 feet in depth

For generations it was a main

source of domestic water

for the community.

“Gone is the ancient equipment

but still the living water flows.”

Tablet dedicated June 29, 1940 by

Ursula Parlor No. 1

Native ...

Dr. Chapmon Powell’s “Medicine House” and W.J. Houston Plantatio

About 1826, Dr. Chapmon Powell erected a log cabin beside the Shallowford Trail near this site. His Indian patients called it the “Medicine House.” His cabin had been relocated onto this site by 1863 when Powell’s son-in-law, Washington Jackson Houston ...

Young-Welling House

Birthsite of Dr. Thomas Young who in 1773 as an associate of Samuel Adams led the disquised Indians at the Boston Tea Party. This house was erected later in 1764 by John Welling.

Marker is on Toleman Rd 1.3 miles south ...

Weller House

Probably the first structure on this site was Littner’s Exchange, which was later purchased and remodeled by the Bramer brothers. They operated the Orleans Hotel, Restaurant and Oyster Saloon until 1856 when Elias Weller bought the property and converted it ...

Barnwell County Courthouse

[Marker Front]:

Barnwell County, originally Winton County,

was created out of Orangeburgh District

in 1785. Renamed Barnwell District in 1798

for John Barnwell (1748-1800), a S.C. militia

officer in the Revolution and afterwards,

it became Barnwell County in 1868. The

first courthouse was built at Boiling Springs

in ...

Barnwell County Courthouse

[Marker Front]:

Barnwell County, originally Winton County,

was created out of Orangeburgh District

in 1785. Renamed Barnwell District in 1798

for John Barnwell (1748-1800), a S.C. militia

officer in the Revolution and afterwards,

it became Barnwell County in 1868. The

first courthouse was built at Boiling Springs

in ...

Wells-LaRue House

Built about 1850 by famed pioneer architect Abner Cook, for Waymen Wells, who lived 10 miles north, but needed town house for business and pleasure trips. His grandchildren, the LaRues, moved in to attend school sessions. Third generation now lives ...

Rutan-Terhune-Bidwell House

Built by Jacobus Rutan, a farmer, on 32 acres of land about 1794-95. In 1800 his widow and son sold the house to Cornelius H. Zabriskie, a blacksmith and farmer. In 1856 he deeded the house to his grandson, Cornelius ...

Well House

The well house was constructed of poured concrete and was used for storing water on the farm. One room housed a pump, which drew water from a shallow well outside. The second room housed a cistern that was used for ...

Daniel H. Caswell House

Daniel H. Caswell came to Austin from Nashville, Tennessee, about 1895. He purchased a cotton oil manufacturing company, bought and sold cotton, and in 1899 built a cotton gin. When completed for his family in 1900, this house was located ...
