
Results for Western

Western Redoubts 1, 2, 3 and 4


In July 1779, General Washington ordered the fortification of hills to the south and west of Fort Putnam because they dominated Fort Putnam and made it vulnerable to attack. Redoubt 1 with two batteries (hill south of Michie Stadium) ...

Rainbow Route / Western Fremont County

[Side A:]

Rainbow Route

Completion of this road opens up a scenic paradise unequalled in any other state of the Union and unsurpassed by the scenic gems of the Wild West.

Governor George A. Carlson on the opening of the Rainbow Route, 1915

Conceived ...

Western Cemetery

This cemetery contains the remains of local Confederate soldiers and officials, including Dr. Thomas Y. Henry, the grandson of Revolutionary War patriot Patrick Henry, a delegate to the Florida

Secession Convention and the Director of Confederate Medical Services forWest Florida. ...

Grand Trunk Western #6039

In 1925, the Grand Trunk Western Railway purchased five 4-8-2 Mountain locomotives, numbered 6037 through 6041, from the Baldwin Locomotive Works. These coal-burning locomotives had cylinder-shaped Vanderbilt tenders and enclosed all-weather cabs.

The Grand Trunk Western Railway, controlled by Grand Trunk ...

Great Western Furnace

Built in 1854 by Brian, Newell & Co., this steam cold-blast charcoal furnace was built of limestone from the surrounding hills. Brown iron-ore came from shallow deposits about two miles north. Pig-iron was shipped by river or hauled to rolling ...

Great Western Railroad Depot

This depot, built in 1852, was the site of Abraham Lincoln's famous farewell address upon leaving Springfield on February 11, 1861, to assume the presidency of the United States.

Marker is at the intersection of E. Monroe Street and 10th Street ...

Great Western Depot

Throngs give big sendoff to Lincoln Monday morning

February 11, 1861 dawned dismal and gray. A chilling drizzle soakedthe dirt roads of the capital. At 7:30 A.M., a carriage pulled up here in front of the depot, and President-elect Lincoln climbed ...

The First National Bank and Trust Company of Western Maryland

was originally chartered as the Cumberland Bank of Alleghany by an act of the 1811 Maryland Legislature and opened for business April 1, 1812. this is the oldest bank in Western Maryland and the second oldest National Bank in the ...

Chicago and North Western 9933

1950 RDC-1 Rail Diesel Car

The self-propelled Rail Diesel Car (RDC) was introduced in 1949 as a low-cost alternative for branchline and commuter runs, available in five combinations of coach seating and baggage and mail space. Power was provided by two ...

Western Baptist Hospital

On a warm Sunday afternoon in October 1953, Western Baptist Hospital was dedicated as the newest and most modern facility in Kentucky. The foresight of the original seven-member commission, formed in 1945, created a strategically important cornerstone in the Paducah ...
