
Results for World War I Honor Roll

Milford World Wars Honor Roll

World War I Honored Dead

Ancil Geiger •

Charles Frederick Neal •

Jesse E. Smith

World War II Honored Dead

Lewis E. Auer •

Roy N. Auer •

Robert L. Collins •

Charles LeCount •

Alvin J. Merkle •

Harry J. Michael •

Charles E. Remy •

Charles H. Rogers •

Howard C. ...

Madison County World War Roll of Honor

Dedicated by the Citizens of London

to the Glory of God and to all those

of Madison who served in

the World War 1914-1918

[Roll of Honor]

The names and deeds of those who rendered service in defense of the American ideals of liberty and ...

World War II Honor Roll

Honor Roll

In memory of the men and women of Prince George's County who made the supreme sacrifice that freedom might live.

Prince George's County

World War II

Marker is at the intersection of Annapolis Road (Maryland Route 450) and Baltimore Avenue (Maryland Route ...

Saint Michael World War II Honor Roll

This memorial has been

erected and dedicated

by the grateful citizens

of this community

in humble recognition

of the devotion to

duty and sacrifices of

our veterans of

World War II

[Honor Roll of Veterans]

[Those killed in action or died in service]

Charles J. Blozevich · Steve Dusik · Joseph ...

World War II Honor Roll

Honor Roll

In memory of the men and women of Prince George's County who made the supreme sacrifice that freedom might live.

Prince George's County

World War II

Marker is at the intersection of Annapolis Road (Maryland Route 450) and Baltimore Avenue (Maryland Route ...

Ardsley World War I Honor Roll

1914 1918

The Great World War

Honor Roll

Ardsley N.Y.

Unveiled April 5th 1919

H.L. McCartney • A. McCartney • Ronald Campbell • Wm. A.C. Creve • F.H. Addyman • Edward J. Mussa • Edwain E. White • Michael Wilmoth • Adolph Knappe • Raffaelo ...

Newtown and Vicinity World War I Honor Roll


In honor of the young men of Newtown and vicinity who answered their country's call that international justice might prevail and the peace and liberty of free peoples be preserved

1917 World War 1918

*Morell Smith, Killed in Action


Westport World War II Honor Roll

[ small right-hand plaque ]

1941 – 1945

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Dedicated ...
