
Results for World War II Memorial

Woodbury World War II Memorial

[Left Tablet]

In honor of the men and women of Woodbury who rendered service World War II 1941-1945

Abbott, H. Ellsworth • Cole, Francis P. • Giggey, Kempton L. • Lundin, Frank G. • Atwood, Gilbert • Cole, Ralph E. • Gillis, ...

World War II War Memorial

Vigo County Indiana

[ Front ]W. W. II

Killed in Action

from Vigo County

[ Obverse ]

[ Row One ]

Lawrence Aaren • Ray E. Adams • William H. Altekruse • Charles V. Anderson • Warren C. Anderson • ...

World War II Living Memorial

This Landscaping

Is A Living

Memorial For Those

Who Served

Their Country

In World War II

Winsted Woman's Club

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Connecticut Route 183) and Case Avenue, on the right when traveling west on Main Street.


Winchester World War II Memorial

[ front ]

Dedicated To Those

Veterans of W W II

Who Paid The Ultimate

Price For Freedom

Beeman H. • Bernstein D. • Brault A. • Canty J. • Carr J. • Derose W. • Dietlin K. • Dombrowski W. • Dyson G. • ...

Middletown World War II Memorial Chapel & Plaza


Dedicated by the grateful citizens

of Middletown to the members

of the armed services who gave

their lives to preserve the

American ideals of liberty

justice and democracy

World War II Memorial

This plot contains a cross for

each ...

Beaverdam & Vicinity World War II Memorial


Dedicated to those from Beaverdam

& vicinity who served their country in the

war for the liberty of the world

1941 - 1945

To honor all men and women

of this community who nobly served

their country in World ...

Newburg and Hopewell Township World War II Memorial

Dedicated to the Glory of God and the Citizens of Newburg Penna, and Hopewell Township, who served their country in the cause of freedom

World War II

These died that liberty might not perish


Theron Hensel

David Palmer

Franklin Wheeler

The two outside panels contain the ...

Fulton County World War II, Korea, and Vietnam Memorial

My God My Country

Dedicated to all



World War II,

Korea and Vietnam

Marker is at the intersection of Market Street and 2nd Street (U.S. 522), on the right when traveling west on Market Street.


Monroe County World War II Memorial

In memory

of our comrades

of Monroe County

who gave their lives

in World War II Robert Arnett - Lynn Bartley - Lonnie Birdge - Carlos Blankenship - Fred Brown - Creed Carter - Raymond D. Carter - S. Carson Coffelt - Junior Colson ...

Ripon World War II Memorial

In Honor of

Ripon High School Students

KIA World War II

Radomir Kilak • Henry Bouma • Raymond Clifton • Lyman Fulton • Billy Haller • Jack Harp • John Kamps • Paul Madsen • Oscar Poelstra • Carl Peterson • Viggo Peterson ...
