
Results for Joseph

Joseph Oliver

In memory of Joseph Oliver who departed this life February 28, twenty minutes after seven in the morning in the Year of our Lord 1807 aged about eighty years.

Joseph Oliver was owner of land North of the Mispillion River, formally ...

Joseph Deferari

In Memoriam

Joseph Deferari

Born July 19, 1894

Died January 20, 1969

Who Donated This Land

For The Principles Of

God, Country And Freedom

To The Veterans

Who Served That Purpose

Marker is on South Canaan Street 0.1 miles south of Sand Road, on the left when traveling south. ...

Joseph Henry

Pathfinder in Science

Joseph Henry

Pathfinder in Science

Born in Albany


Died in Washington


[Left Panel]:

I arranged around one of the upper rooms in the Albany Academy a wire of more than a mile in length throvgh ...

St. Joseph’s Indian Normal School


Erected by the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions with funds from Katharine Drexel and operated by the Society of the Precious Blood with federal funds, 60 Indian boys from distant reservations were annually trained here.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Joseph Thomas La Rue

(Nov. 18, 1864-Feb. 13, 1930)

Alderman on Athens' first city council (1901). La Rue (Town 13 mi. SE) was named for him.

Educator, merchant, civic leader, banker, humanitarian, prohibitionist, democrat, historian. Married March 16, 1892, Stella Elvira Parsons. They had seven children.

Marker ...

Joseph Hayne Rainey Park

This park was dedicated in 1993 to the memory of Georgetown native Joseph Hayne Rainey, the first African American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives. Born to slave parents in 1832, Rainey escaped to Bermuda when the War ...

Joseph J. "Joe" Buzas

Joseph J. "Joe" Buzas

In Grateful Appreciation

For Bringing

Minor League Baseball

To New Britain In 1983

Marker is at the intersection of John Karbonic Way and South Main Street, on the right when traveling west on John Karbonic Way.


Dr. Joseph Johnson House  

56 Society Street

circa 1840

This substantial three-story Greek Revival Period Charleston single house is constructed of stucco-covered brick and features a two-tiered piazza with Tuscan columns and turned balusters, piazza screen and entrance door complete with pilasters, multi-pane rectangular ...

Chief Joseph

(Himnaton - Yalakit)

1838 (approx.) 1904

Famous in Military and Tactical

skill for his tribe, The Nez Perce.


Joseph Lane

Territorial Governor of Oregon, 1848-50,

Vice-Presidential candidate, 1860, U.S.

Senator, major general in Mexican War.

Born 3 miles east

Marker is at the intersection of Merrimon Avenue (U.S. 25) and Beaverdam Road (North Carolina Route 2230), on the right when traveling ...
