
Results for Veterans Memorial

"Kansas Vietnam Veterans Memorial"

[Honor Roll of Names on Black Granite]

April 15, 1995

This UH-1H "Huey" helicopter was donated by Department of the Army and Kansas Army National Guard to Girard Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7479 through the efforts of All American Post Commander ...

Cumberland County Veterans Memorial Clock Tower

Erected in loving memory of all veterans of Cumberland County

Dedicated July 4, 1957 with a parade and ceremonies at this spot

Built and presented to the veterans by

The Boiling Springs Civic Improvement Committee

Marker is at the intersection of E. First Street ...

Branchburg Veterans Memorial

Main Marker:

In Honor and Memory of all the Men and Women of Branchburg who proudly served our country in the armed forces of the United States of America.

In recognition of the Branchburg Veterans Memorial Committee.

Dedicated November 11, 2000

American Revolution Marker:

Honoring ...

Arma Veterans Memorial

Roll of Honor

The City of Arma Honors All Persons

Who Have Offered Their Life In

Service To Their Country.

[Honor Roll of Individuals]

Marker is at the intersection of 5th Street and East Washington Street, on the left when traveling north on 5th Street. ...

Mission Santa Clara Veterans Memorial

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Post 3982

Chartered 1945

Dedicated To

Veterans Who Served

Marker is on Monroe Street near Franklin Street, on the right when traveling west.


Veterans Memorial


to the

men and women

of the

Elkhart Lake area

who have served

their country

in the Armed Forces

Marker is at the intersection of Chicago Street and Lincoln Street (Wisconsin Highway 67) on Chicago Street.


American Legion Post #29 Veterans Memorial

Zanesville, Ohio

Dedicated this date 8-20-00 to the brave men and women whose sacrifices made this nation free. May they forever be remembered.

Marker is at the intersection of 3rd Street and Main Street (U.S. 40), on the right when traveling south ...

VFW Post 3405 Veterans Memorial

In honor of the men and women

from southern Lehigh who served

in the Armed Forces of the

United States of America

from 1775 to the present


Clark County Veterans Memorial

Dedicated in memory of those who died in the defense of our Country

Lest We Forget

Marker is on Fort Vancouver Way near McClellan Road, on the right when traveling north.


Korean War Veterans Memorial

Freedom Is Not Free

Kansas honors her uniformed

sons and daughters

who answered their

country's call to

defend a country

they did not know

and a people they

had never met

Over a million and a half U.S. Soldiers

served ...
