
Results for Washington

Washington’s Temporary Headquarters

This boulder which lay from time immemorial

on this site near the turn of the old road

marks the location of a house used by

General George Washington

as temporary headquarters

on October 26, 1780

while on march from Totowa now Paterson

to support Lafayette’s expedition against

the ...

George Washington Carver Branch Library

In Feb. 1926 the Austin Public Library opened in a room over a downtown store. Within months, the books were moved to this structure, built at Guadalupe and Ninth St., across from Wooldridge Park. In 1933, with completion of a ...

Washington-Rochambeau Route

General Washington and General Rochambeau passed her on Sept. 13, 1781 on their way to victory at Yorktown. One mile south, they turned east on state rout 605.

The marking of this route is a gift from the French Government. ...

Canal Landing on Washington Street

The Huntington Landing started 120 feet west on Washington St and continued to the lock at Cherry St. The Wabash & Erie canal was 4 feet deep and 100 feet wide as this point. Other locks were at First St. ...

Washington’s Inaugural Bicentennial

1789 - 1989

Elizabeth celebrates Washington’s Inaugural Bicentennial

George Washington journeyed to “Elizabethtown” - met with a committee of Continental Congress in Boxwood Hall - Sailed from Elizabethport - April 2, 1789

(Back of Marker) "Elizabeth celebrates Washington's inaugural Bicentennial."

Recipient of the ...

Washington’s Flag


This is a Reproduction of the Personal Flag used by General George Washington, the Commander-In-Chief during the Revolutionary War.

Presented by R.W. Ronald J. Steiner, Chairman, George Washington Masonic Historic Site Committee, In memory of his father, Brother Morton Steiner

Marker is ...

National Historic Landmark - Mount Washington Hotel / Bretton Woods Monetary Conference

Mount Washington Hotel

Standing to the east, the Mount Washington Hotel was completed in 1902 as one of the largest, most modern grand hotels in the White Mountains, one of the few built in a single campaign. Designed by New York ...

Washington’s Tour of the Southern States


Patriotic Commemoration

of the visit


George Washington

on his

tour of the

Southern States


Marker is at the intersection of N Main Street (U.S. 29) and W Council Street, on the left when traveling north on N Main Street.


Camp Washington

Commemorating the establishing

of Camp Washington

by Governor Isaac I. Stevens

on the site

in front of this monument

where he and Gen'l then

Captain George B McClellan

and their military

and engineering forces met

and camped from

October 17th to 30th 1853

Marker is on Coulee Hite Road, on the ...

Washington Hall

Directly across the street stood Washington Hall. The Institute's first building erected 1894 by Jacob Tome (1810-1898) founder and benefactor of The Tome School

