
Results for B

Library Hall

Built as a production facility for the Meadville Woolen Co., this building later served as market & meeting hall. From 1879 to 1925 it was the home of the Meadville Library, Art, & Historical Association then was converted to commercial ...

First Naval Battle of the American Revolution

This anchor symbolizes the historic ties that Machias people have with the sea, and their commitment to liberty as exemplified in the first naval battle of the American Revolution fought in Machias Bay between the British ship Margaretta and the ...

Historical Badger Park

Badger Park, like our Badger State, took its name from this area where some of the miners, like badgers, “dug-in” for the winter, while others, called “suckers” moved on south. It includes 8½ acres of what was considered valuable land, ...

Badger Mine – Badger Lot Diggings

This site is in the heart of the pioneer lead mining region, origin of Wisconsin’s “Badger” nickname. The Winnebago Indian Peace Treaty signed, pioneer miners flooded this area in the 1827 “Lead Rush”. These hardy pioneers lived in caves dug ...

1998 Wisconsin Assembly

On January 14, 1998, the Wisconsin Assembly met at the First Capitol in Belmont in honor of the Sesquicentennial of Statehood. The Territorial Legislature held its first session here in 1836, and convened for three more sessions in what is ...

Site of Redan Battery

Near this spot Lieut-Col. John MacDonnell Attorney General of Upper Canada was mortally wounded 13th October 1812.

Marker can be reached from Niagara Parkway 0.4 kilometers east of York Street (Local Route 81), on the right when traveling west.


New Cavalry Barracks

The earliest quarters for soldiers at Fort Clark were tents along Las Moras creek near the spring. During the fort’s 1870s building boom, three cavalry barracks were constructed, but by the late 1920s they had become too deteriorated for continued ...

3. The Capture of the Redan and the Death of Brock

On the river banks below here, the Americans were trapped. To the right the Americans scaled the river cliff and seized the Heights above. To the left the British held the Village of Queenston. A British 18-pounder cannon situated here ...

5. The Decisive Battle

The Battle of Queenston Heights Walking Tour

On the plateau before you, the British and Americans met for battle. The British formed a line to your right, the Americans to your left. General Sheaffe formed a British counter-offensive force of nine ...

Historic Gillespie Dam Bridge

Main Marker - Side A:

The Historic Gillespie Dam Bridge spans the Gila River on Old US 80 Highway, between the communities of Arlington and Gila Bend. Built in 1927 as a Federal Aid Project, the bridge is a unique and ...
