
Panther Revisited

The community of Panther was located where you are currently standing. In the late 1800s, three buildings stood on this site: a blacksmith shop, a tin shop, and a general store. As Panther continued to grow, a creamery and ...

The Douglas County Memorial of Honor

Recognizes the extraordinary sacrifices of ordinary citizens - men and women of Douglas County, Kansas who gave their lives to protect freedom, our community and our way of life. It stands as an eternal symbol of hope, renewal and the ...

Christ Episcopal Church, Raleigh North Carolina

Christ Episcopal Church

has been designated a National Historic Landmark

This site possesses national significance in commemorating the history of the United States of America

Marker is on North Wilmington Street, on the right when traveling north.


Stone Mortar

(Circa 1500-1800 AD)

Discovered about 1930

by Henry Clark

near Frohawk Creek on property

belonging to J.T. Moon. Most likely

used to crack and grind corn and acorns

into meal by a band of Lower Cherokee,

this mortar is highly unusual because

of its massive dimensions, a fact ...

Chief Cornstalk

In this monument rests the remains of Keigh-tugh-qua, better known as Cornstalk to the early settlers and frontiersman. Chief Cornstalk was well known and respected by the white settlers and Indian tribes of the Ohio Valley. As chief of the ...

Brockliss Road

This was the name given to the present Centerville Lane on the 22nd day of October 1894 when it was declared a public road by order of the county commissioners. Opening of the road was made contingent on the willingness ...

Colonel Andrew Lewis

1720 - 1781

Born October 9, 1720, in County Donegal, Ireland. The second son of John and Margaret Lynn Lewis. He served in the early campaigns on the American frontier. Wounded at Fort Necessity in 1754. Commanded the Big Sandy Expedition ...

Port Republic Road Historic District

This is Waynesboro's oldest intact neighborhood. It coalesced as a community about 1870, just after the Civil War, when formerly enslaved individuals moved here to work in nearby industries and on railroads. The African American residents constructed most of the ...

Old Oglethorpe University

This is the site of the antebellum college established in the community of Midway by the Hopewell Presbytery in 1833. Its first president, Carlisle P. Beman, was succeded by Samuel K. Talmage. In 1861, students and faculty entered Confederate service, ...

Tristam Dalton

Tristram Dalton (1732-1817) was born in Newburryport, Mass; graduate of Harvard, 1755: admitted to bar but followed mercantile pursuits.

Delegate to Convention of Committees of New England Provinces, Providence, R. I., 1776; member Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1782-88: Speaker, 1784-85; U.S. ...
