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Camp Ford Confederate Guards

The initial guards at the camp were local militia commanded by a regular officer, Captain S.M. Warner. With the

arrival of the Fordoche prisoners in October 1863, their numbers were inadequate, and an independent Cavalry

company, the Walter P. ...

Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church

Saint John Evangelical

Lutheran Church • Built 1871

New Fane, Wisconsin

Has Been Placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Marker is on Kettle Moraine Scenic Drive (County Highway S) near Youth Camp Road (County Highway DD), on the ...

The Lincolns at Knob Creek

Abraham and his sister attended the local school, located two miles northeast of here. Two teachers, Zachariah Riney and Caleb Hazel, gave young Abraham his first formal schooling. Lincoln’s classroom education, however, would not last. The demands of the frontier ...

African Americans at Camp Ford

The issues of African Americans in the military became a keystone of controversy involving the politics of prisoner

of war exchange. This issue did not start in the east, but in the theater of the Mississippi river, and Camp ...

Camp Ford - Naval Prisoners

Camp Ford had the distinction of having the most naval prisoners of any camp, North or South. There was no coordination between the branches, with each responsible for arranging the exchange of their men. By the fall of 1864, the ...

Camp Ford - Prisoners from Louisiana

In June 1863, CS General Richard Taylor commenced a campaign in South Louisiana that resulted in the capture of a number of Union troops in the Morgan City area. The enlisted men were paroled, but the officers were detained ...

Camp Ford - Establishment of the Camp

In March 1862, the movement of the Confederate army in Northern Arkansas to the Mississippi River left the northern frontier of the Trans-Mississippi virtually defenseless. Immediate efforts in Texas were made to raise new regiments for service in Arkansas. ...

Who Owns the River?

According to Lord Baltimore's land grant from King Charles I in 1632, Maryland owns the "River of Pattowmack...unto the further Bank of said River." But with Virginia's shoreline constantly shifting how could the border be fixed? In 1929, a survey ...

USS West Virginia Memorial

At 0758, 7 December 1941,

near this spot at Bert Fox 6

the USS West Virginia

moored outboard the USS Tennessee

was damaged and sunk by enemy bombs and torpedoes.

As the West Virginia settled to the bottom

she forced the Tennessee against the ...

FDR's Salute

to the Officers and Men ... USS "San Francisco"'

In Salute

to the Officers and Men, living and dead, of the

U.S.S. “San Francisco”

a warship named for our city, which though

sorely wounded, emerged triumphantly from the

Battle of ...
