
Results for B

Bethel African American Episcopal Church - Punta Gorda

"Uncle Dan" Smith, a local African American religious leader constructed a thatch-roofed hut church on this site in 1886. Several white families, including Colonel Albert W. Gilchrist, who later became governor of Florida, were in attendance at the first service. ...

Springhill Baptist Church and Cemetery

The oldest church in Taylor County, Springhill Missionary Baptist Church was built in 1853 in the area then known as Rosehead. In 1923 the church was burned down by the Ku Klux Klan and many families fled the area in ...

Big Talbot Island State Park

Named during the British period and originally used by the British grantees for plantation agriculture, including citrus, sugar, indigo, and cotton, Big Talbot Island was used by Spanish settlers during the following Second Spanish period.

Located on one of Northeast ...

National Historic Landmark- Wolf Mountains Battlefield

Wolf Mountains Battlefield / Where Big Crow Walked Back and Forth

The Battle of Wolf Mountains, January 8, 1877, was a major turning point in the Great Sioux War in that it resulted in the eventual surrender, just a few ...

National Historic Landmark- Burton K. Wheeler House

Montana home (1908-23) of a Senate radical of the 1920s and 1930s. The first prominent Democrat to support F.D.R. for the Presidency, he later broke with Roosevelt over the court-packing plan and Lend-Lease.

National Historic Landmark- Rosebud Battlefield

Rosebud Battlefield, Montana, is a primary site in the core area of the Great Sioux War of 1876-77. According to the multiple property documentation form for the “The Great Sioux War of 1876-1877 in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska, ...

National Historic Landmark- Great Northern Railway Buildings

The Great Northern Railway Buildings National Historic Landmark is comprised of five building complexes: Belton Chalet, Granite Park Chalet, Many Glacier Hotel, Sperry Chalet, and Two Medicine Store. Together they exemplify a distinct architectural style being used on a massive ...

National Historic Landmark- Fort Benton Historic District

Established as a fur trading center in 1847, the fort prospered with the growth of steamboat traffic starting in 1859 and an 1862 gold strike, but declined with the advent of the railroad.

National Historic Landmark- Chief Joseph Battleground of Bears Paw

Site of the battle in which Chief Joseph and more than 400 Nez Perce Indians surrendered to the United States Army (1877). The Bear Paw surrender signaled the close of the Nez Perces' existence as an "independent Indian people." Henceforth, ...

National Historic Landmark - Butte-Anaconda Historic District

The American Labor History Theme Study, completed in 2003, identified Butte as one of 16 sites that warranted further evaluation as an NHL for its association with labor history. The Butte-Anaconda district represents several themes discussed in the theme study, ...
