Cox Landing Park

In memory of Albany native

Private Henry Cleve Cox, Jr.,

2nd Infantry Division – Medical Corps,

killed in action, August 25, 1944,

during the Battle for

Brest, France.

Prior to his death, he was recognized for

risking his life to save others during

intense combat and was awarded ...

North Carolina Veterans' Memorial

This memorial is dedicated

to the heroic men and

women of North Carolina

who served in America's

wars. As long as the flame

of freedom burns, the

memory of their sacrifice

for peace shall endure.

(east side)

World War I

1917 - 1918

Major Engagements of World War I

Cambrai • Aisne ...

Federal Occupation of Rome

May 18, 1864. Davis’ div., (14th A.C.) [US], moving from Resaca via W. bank of the Oostanaula, forced passage of the river against Confederate opposition & captured the city.

Davis’ seizure of Rome was incident to a move E. toward Kingston ...

Camp Union Sutterville

The 5th Infantry Regiment, California Volunteers, was organized here on 8 October, 1861 and trained by Brevet Brigadier General George W. Bowie for duty in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas against the Confederate forces. Since this was the year of ...

Spanish American War Veterans Gave Their Cannon

In appreciation

of the

Spanish American War Veterans

who gave their cannon from

this Site for World War II

Harry Bohannon Post

No. 75 American Legion

installs and dedicates this field

piece in their honor.

Marker is at the intersection of South Market Street and West Franklin Street, on ...

Dekum Building

German immigrant Frank Dekum amassed a fortune during Portland’s explosive early history with his confectionery business. The massive Dekum Building, completed in 1892 at a cost exceeding $300,000, used exclusively Oregon materials in its construction. The brick masons drank beer ...

General Leonidas Polk Memorial

Death Site Monument on Pine Mountain


1861. 1865. In Memory Of Lieut. Gen. Leonidas Polk

Who fell on this spot June 14, 1864.

Folding his arms across his breast, He stood gazing on the scenes below, Turning himself around as if ...

Historic Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Oldest Episcopal Edifice in California

First services Sunday April 23, 1854 by Rt. Rev. William I. Kip, Bishop of Calif.

This building opened for worship Aug. 1858.

Marker can be reached from South Church Street.


Battle of Funkstown

At Bay another Day

The Confederate presence at Funkstown threatened any Union advance against Gen. Robert E. Lee’s position near Williamsport and the Potomac River as he retreated to Virginia after the Battle of Gettysburg. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart’s cavalry, posted at ...

Rev. John Leighton Wilson, D.D.

His home stood on this site. With his wife, Jane Bayard Wilson, he served as a Presbyterian missionary on the western coast of Africa 1833-1852. He advocated ending the slave trade and by 1844 had freed all his own slaves. ...
