
Results for B

National Historic Landmark – Red Bank Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Red Bank Battlefield

On October 22, 1777, Fort Mercer, an earthen fort erected to guard the river approach to Philadelphia, was successfully defended by Americans in the Battle of the Red Bank.

Their victory delayed the opening of ...

National Historic Landmark - Radburn

National Historic Landmark - Radburn

This community embodies the internationally acclaimed model of community design known as the --Radburn Idea--.

It was designed in 1928-29 by the planner-architects Clarence S. Stein and Henry Wright.

Known as --The Town for the Motor Age--, Radburn's ...

National Historic Landmark - Princeton Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Princeton Battlefield

The battle that began at sunrise on January 3, 1777, on a field outside Princeton ended when British troops who were barricaded in Nassau Hall surrendered.

Washington's victory here helped raise the morale of the colonists ...

National Historic Landmark - Old Barracks

National Historic Landmark – Old Barracks (Trenton)

This 2-1/2 story field stone structure is the only surviving barracks of five erected by New Jersey's Colonial legislature to house troops during the French and Indian War.

At different times during the Revolution, American ...

National Historic Landmark- Abel and Mary Nicholson House

National Historic Landmark - Abel and Mary Nicholson House

This house is a remarkably intact example of Delaware Valley patterned brick architecture, an early Mid-Atlantic building tradition.

The essential characteristic of this style is exterior decoration in vitrified brick.

Laid as headers, the ...

National Historic Landmark - Monmouth Battlefield

National Historic Landmark - Monmouth Battlefield

This Landmark commemorates The Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778.

This was a pivotal engagement of the Revolutionary War, since it marked the combat debut of the improved Continental Army, tempered by a long winter of ...

National Historic Landmark - Maybury Hill

National Historic Landmark - Maybury Hill

This little-altered Georgian stone farmhouse was the boyhood home of Joseph Hewes (1730-1779).

Hewes moved to North Carolina in 1760 and was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a member of the Continental Congress ...

Albert Einstein House

The Albert Einstein House in Princeton, New Jersey, is a simple two story, "L" shaped, frame building with a gabled roof over the front block and a flat roof on the "L." The house has both front and rear entrances. ...

National Historic Landmark - Burlington County Prison

National Historic Landmark - Burlington County Prison

This modest county prison was designed and constructed (1811) after plans embodying the most modern correctional methods prevalent in the early years of the 19th century.

Its heavy stone walls were also an early attempt ...

National Historic Landmark - Boxwood Hall

National Historic Landmark - Boxwood Hall

Elias Boudinot (1740-1821), President of the Continental Congress (1782), purchased Boxwood Hall in 1772 and owned it until 1795.

In that year, he sold it to Jonathan Dayton, the youngest signer of the Constitution, who was ...
