
Results for Artillery

The Ashland Virginia Artillery

Artillery Reserve - Longstreet's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Longstreet's Corps Artillery Reserve

Alexander's Battalion Woolfolk's Battery

The Ashland Virginia Artillery

Two 20 pounder Parrotts and Two Napoleons

July 2 Took position here 4:30 p.m. and opened fire. Joined soon ...

The Bedford Virginia Artillery

Artillery Reserve - Longstreet's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Longstreet's Corps Artillery Reserve

Alexander's Battalion Jordon's Battery

The Bedford Virginia Artilery

Four 3 inch Rifles

July 2 Took position here 4:30 p.m. Fired a few rounds at the Peach Orchard. ...

Artillery Park


Along this site in July, 1759,

British forces under Amherst

erected an artillery battery

to attack the French Fort at

Carillon, which they seized

and named Fort Ticonderoga.

Marker is on The Portage, on the right when traveling south.


The Brooks Artillery

Artillery Reserve - Longstreet's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Longstreet's Corps Artillery Reserve

Alexander's Battalion Rhett's Battery

The Brooks Artillery

Four 12 Pounder Howitzers

July 2 Took position here at 4 p.m. and opened fire. When the charge was made ...

Madison Light Artillery

Artillery Reserve - Longstreet's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Longstreet's Corps Artillery Reserve

Alexander's Battalion Moody's Battery

The Madison Light Artillery

Four 24 Pounder Howitzers

July 2 Arrived here and opened fire at 4 p.m. Following the infantry charge upon ...

Alexander Hamilton Horse Artillery Battery

Here Early December 1776 Alexander Hamilton (Graduate of King’s College) with his Battery of horse artillery covered the ford of the Raritan delaying the advance of the British across the river while Washington withdrew through Princeton to Trenton

Marker can ...
