
Results for Joseph

Joseph Morton

Seven miles west stood Roanoke Bridge, the colonial homestead of Joseph Morton, who patented land near by in the 1740s. He was an elder of Briery Presbyterian Church on its founding in Prince Edward County in 1755, and later a ...

Joseph G. Cannon

Member of Congress for 46 years from Illinois, Speaker of the House, 1903-11. His birthplace stood 1 1/2 miles southwest.

Marker is at the intersection of Battleground Avenue (U.S. 220) and New Garden Road on Battleground Avenue.


Joseph Jefferson Jackson

Shoeless Joe Jackson

Philadelphia Athletics 1908-1909

Cleveland Naps 1910-1915

Chicago White Socks 1915-1920

Position: Left Field

Threw: Right

Batted: Left

1919 World Series Batting Average .375

Lifetime Batting Average .356

Third Highest in Baseball History


1911 - Batted .408, Highest Batting Average Ever by a Rookie

1912 - Led American League ...

The Joseph Manigault House

An outstanding example of the Adam Style of

architecture in plan, interior detail, and decoration.

The house was designed by Gabriel Manigault,

Charleston's most famous amateur architect, for

his brother Joseph Manigault, who acquired the

lot in 1802 and built ...

Lieutenant Joseph Bonnell

a Hero of the War for Texas Independence

On April 7, 1836, Lieutenant Joseph Bonnell, West Point Class of 1825, 3rd Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Fort Jesup, Louisiana, was sent alone into Texas by U.S. General Gaines to quell an ...

Josephine Stephens Bishop

"Josie" was born on June 18, 1875 in Silver City, New Mexico to Harvey and Harriet Whitehall. At 19 years old, she taught school in Pinos Altos, New Mexico. She married Herbert Hall Bishop on March 4, 1896, bearing him ...

Joseph Bonne Cabin

In 1818 a French trapper, Joseph Bonne landed on the south bank of the Arkansas River with his dog and gun near the location of the original Jefferson County Courthouse. Driven to this high bluff after flood waters had threatened ...

Joseph Edward Turner, M.D.

Joseph Edward Turner, M.D.

1822 – 1889

Founder And Medical Superintendent

Of The First Inebriate Asylum

In The World At Binghampton N.Y.

1858 – 1866

The First Physician

To Put Unto Practical Operation

The Treatment Of Inebriety

As A Disease

By The Methods He Instituted

Thousands Have Been Redeemed

Humanity Blessed

The ...

Joseph Coffin Boyd

1760 - 1823

District Paymaster

US Army, War of 1812

First Maine State Treasurer

[Served 1820-1823, died in office]


Joseph & Theodosia Burr Alston

And Their Son Aaron Burr Alston

Sacred to the Memory of Joseph & Theodosia Burr Alston and their Son Aaron Burr Alston. This last died in June 1812 at the age of 10 years and his remains are interred here. ...
