A Valuable Resource that Grows In Trees

Wood was the most readily accessible material to an 1800s South Carolina farmer. Many items now made from metal were originally made of wood - even locks and keys - because metal was expensive and wood was free. Due to ...

Delta Tau Delta Birthplace

In this house, 8 Bethany College Students - William Cunningham, John Johnson, Alexander Earle, Richard Alfred, Eugene Tarr, Henry Bell, John Hunt and Jacob Lowe - Met in 1858 and founded Delta Tau Delta. This social fraternity soon spread across ...

Santa Fe Building

Built in 1928-30 at a cost of $1,500,000, this structure was designed by Santa Fe Railroad architect E. A. Harrison. The 14-story building was the tallest in Amarillo until the 1970s, and housed the offices and division headquarters of the ...

“Caudy’s Castle”

Named for James Caudy, pioneer and Indian fighter, who took refuge from the Indians on a mass of rocks overlooking Cacapon River during the French and Indian War (1754–1763). From his position on the Castle of Rocks, he defended himself ...

Warren Winslow

1810 - 1862

Acting Governor, 1854; Congressman, 1855-1861. Negotiated surrender of local U.S. arsenal in 1861. Grave 40 yds. SE.

Marker is at the intersection of Grove Street (North Carolina Route 24/210) and Cool Spring Street, on the left when traveling west ...


The Hub City


"...I was returning from the trip and

had reached the banks of a beautiful

piney woods stream...during July or

perhaps August 1800."

"...I then, and there, determined to

locate a station here because it was the

place where cross the New Orleans and

Northeastern, I ...

Doddridge's Fort

To the north were located the stockaded cabins of John Doddridge. Built about 1773, they served as a refuge for settlers of this region in Revolutionary days. Also boyhood home of Dr. Joseph Doddridge.

Marker is at the intersection of Washington ...

Mount Prospect

Nathanial Rochester House

This is the original site of "Mount Prospect," also known as "The Rochester House." Nathanial Rochester built the house in 1789 on ground which once belonged to Jonathan Hager, the founder of Hagerstown.

The home was used as a ...


Colonial river port, incorporated in 1762. Later merged with Cross Creek to form the town of Fayetteville.

Marker is at the intersection of Person Street and Broad Street, on the right when traveling east on Person Street.


Hospital and School of the Good Shepherd

Lawrenceville, Virginia

Though many freed African Americans continued after the Civil War to work the same farms on which they had been slaves, many also left their homes in search of better opportunities elsewhere. Often the sick, elderly and very young ...
