
Results for B

Double Arrow Lodge

Dude ranches are often linked to the 20thcentury recreational history of the American West. Many of the most famous dude ranches were in southeastern Montana and northern Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. The Double Arrow Ranch was one ...

Kyle’s Bridge

Kyle’s Bridge was key for Union General William T. Sherman’s army during the crucial campaign for Atlanta in the summer of 1864. Atlanta was called the “Gate City of the South” because of its Confederate rail lines, industry, and ...

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Tanyard Creek Park, Memorial Park & The Battle of Peachtree Creek

In the fourth year of the Civil War, as the Union Army continued to surge into Confederate territory their victory seemed assured. With General William Sherman leading the Union march towards Georgia, it appeared as if no Confederate forces ...

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General Walker’s Monument, the end of the Battle of Atlanta’s Night March

In the final year of the American Civil War, having fought their way through Georgia, the Union faced Confederate defenses in Atlanta. Both sides understood that the fall of Atlanta would mean a major turning point in the war.


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Union Gold Bluffs Placer Mine

In 1881 John Chapman and one other party owned and operated the Gold Bluff mines. Chapman and his men watched the beaches closely, and when the "gray sands" began to go out, it constituted a signal to commence operations.

Meanwhile, ...

Humboldt County

Lumbering commenced in Humboldt County in 1850, but five years were to pass before any attention was paid the redwoods. The pioneer lumbermen were easterners from Maine and the Maritime Provinces of Canada, who were accustomed to the pine, spruce, ...

Bald Hills

The Chilula allied with the Hupa against the coastal Yurok. "Chilula" was English for the Yurok "Tsulu-la," people of Tsulu, the Bald Hills. Locally they were known as the Bald Hills Indians. Their villages were located on or adjacent to ...

Battery Point Lighthouse

In 1855, the year after Crescent City was incorporated, the California legislature urged the state's delegation in Congress to pass an act to erect lighthouses at “Trinidad and Crescent City." On March 3, 1855, Congress appropriated $15,000 for the construction ...

Gold Bluffs

In spring of 1850, J. K. Johnson and several companions headed north from Trinidad to look for the mouth of the Trinity. In passing up the beach, they saw gold grains in the sand. On their return, only gravel was ...

Bearpaw Meadow

In his anti-backcountry-roads campaign Colonel White prevented a full third of Sequoia Park's later formal wilderness from being lost. Yet, he was not opposed to appropriate, low-level development, even in the backcountry. We have already documented his trail-building efforts, ...
