
Results for Bridge

Ocean-to-Ocean Bridge Highway Bridge

Constructed - 1915 & Rededicated - 2002

In 1913 after strong campaigning from the citizens of Yuma, Representative Carl Hayden secured funding for this bridge. When completed, it was the only highway bridge across the Colorado River for 1,200 miles. ...

William Sell Jr. Memorial Bridge

First Place Award Winner

In the 1972 Federal Highways Administration Contest as the outstanding example of a bridge, overpass, tunnel or other highway structure in the United States.

“This is the way a bridge should look.”

Marker is on California Highway 49 (State ...

Grange Alexander-Solomon-Walbridge

Construite en 1882 par l'entrepreneur Alexander Solomon Walbridge, cette grange-étable est formée de douze murs pignons disposés autour d'un espace central. Le bâtiment comporte deux niveaux: un premier qui servait d'étable et un second, divisé en plusieurs espaces, dont des ...

Shawnee Bridge

City of Piqua, Ohio

The 1915 Shawnee (Lorimer) Bridge was dedicated in part to the forty-four men, women and children who lost their lives in the 1913 flood. The waters of the Great Miami River broke free from their banks ...

Howard's Covered Bridge

Built in 1904-05 to replace an earlier structure, this bridge bears the name of a pioneer family who settled near Big Cloud’s Creek in the late 1700s. Constructed in the Town lattice design using convict labor, the 164-foot bridge’s web ...

Ross Bridge

In 1858 James Taylor Ross, a Scotchman, migrated to the South, acquired land and homesteaded in what is now Shades Valley. He provided land for the construction of a railway, including a bridge spanning Ross Creek. After the Ross family ...

Stovall Mill Covered Bridge

Fred Dover constructed a bridge and nearby grist, saw and shingle mill complex here in the late 1800s. The original bridge washed away in the early 1890s and Will Pardue replaced it in 1895 with the present 38-foot structure. Dover ...

Covered Bridge

This bridge over Doe River was built early in 1882 at a cost to the county of $3000 for the bridge and $300 for the approaches. The site was chosen by J.J. McCorkle, Wiley Christian and H.M. Rentfro. The committee ...

Defense of Edisto Bridge

Occupying Rifle Pits and manning a small

battery in defense of the Edisto River

Bridge, at this point less than six

hundred Confederates temporarily

halted the advance of the right wing

of the Federal Army commanded by

Gen.W.T. Sherman. On Feb. 12, 1865,

the defenders ...

Twin Bridges

Two rudimentary bridges were built to cross the Tockhockonetcong (now the Paulinskill) as Jonathan Hampton ordered the construction of the Military Road in 1756. An essential supply line to the frontier fortification in the Delaware Valley, the Military Road was ...
