
Results for L

Jones Mill Pond

Jones Mill Pond

This mill pond and the mill dam (now covered by the Colonial Parkways) show on Civil War maps, and may have existed in Colonial times.

The Palisades

The Palisades

For protection against the Indians, the settlers built a log palisade across the narrows fo the peninsula between the York and James rivers. This was about 1633. Middle Plantation (later Williamsburg) began as a settlement along this palisade ...

College Creek

College Creek

On May 12, 1607 the colonists were the next day to establish Jamestown, landed at the mouth of this creek. Captain Gabriel Archer, one of the councilors, liked the spot and would have settled here but was outvoted. ...

Attempted Settlement

Attempted Settlement

A small group of Spanish Jesuits attempted a settlement in Virginia in September 1570. They are said to have entered the James River and landed along this creek and crossed the peninsula to establish a mission near York ...

Glebe Land

Glebe Land

After 1619 these 100 acres of land were set aside for the benefit of the Jamestown parish church and minister. Richard Buck was the first clergyman to have use of it. Later on Francis Bolton became minister at ...

Jamestown Island

Jamestown Island

The woodland and marsh beyond the water is Jamestown Island, a pear-shape area of some 1,500 acres, being about 2 ½ miles in length. It is separated from the mainland by Back Creek. In more recent times the ...

Real Estate


Real Estate

Early records tell of a land sale in 1636 being these 500 acres with “all howses…gardens, orchards, tenements.” The property passed from Thomas Crompe “of the Neck of Land” to Gershon Buck son of Reverend Richard Buck ...

Neck of Land


Near “James City”

This area, like a peninsula and bounded on three sides by marsh, is just across from Jamestown Island. In 1625 there  were a number or houses and 25 persons were living here. ...

The Cole Digges House

Cole Digges House.  

This house was built about 1720 and was the home of Cole Digges.   Cole Digges was the son of Councilor Dudley Digges.  Cole Digges was born in 1691, the same year Yorktown was established. His family’s wealth ...

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First Ladies Garden- West Wing

Test flowers
