
Results for Washington

Washington Aqueduct

Washington Aqueduct

has been designated a

National Historic Landmark

This site possesses national significance

in commemorating the history of the

United States of America


National Park Service

United States Department of the Interior

Marker can be reached from MacArthur Blvd/Great Falls Road Climb east of the ...

Washington House

This building was one of the first brick buildings erected in West Bend. It replaced an original structure built in 1852 and destroyed by fire on January 1, 1864 and it was re-opened on October 15, 1864 as a headquarters ...

Washington County Courthouse Square

West Bend, Wisconsin

This block was deeded to Washington County on May 2, 1853, by the Wightman, Kilbourn, Kneeland, and Wolcott families to locate and erect county buildings. The original courthouse, constructed in 1854, was relocated to Main Street when the ...

Fort Washington Powder Magazine


Beneath this building lies the powder magazine of Fort Washington, the major military outpost of the United States in the Northwest Territory, 1789-1808. The magazine was uncovered in October, 1952 when footers were being excavated. It is the only ...

First Meeting Place of Washington Lodge No. 37 F.&A.M.


This tablet marks the site

of the first meeting place

of Washington Lodge No. 37


1822 --- 1922

Marker is at the intersection of Pleasant Street and Water Street, on the left when traveling south on Pleasant Street.


Washington’s Encampment

This property on lot 13 in the 1727 division of the Kakiat Patent was part of the DeClark farm from which the name Clarkstown originated.

In August 1780 General Washington and his troops encamped here on an ancient Indian village site. ...

Fort Washington

Lytle Park Series

Southwest of Lytle was Fort Washington, built in 1789 and 1790 and named for President George Washington. The fort protected settlers in the new Ohio country from Indian attacks. It became the base headquarters for the Indian campaigns ...

Washington's Land

This tract of 587 acres in

Round Bottom was patented

by George Washington in 1784

after a purchase of warrants

held by officers of the French

and Indian War. Washington

sold these lands in 1798 to

Archibald McClean

Marker is on West Virginia Route 2 south of Frontage ...

Washington Fire Company

No. 9

Located at this site, the volunteer

Washington Fire Company No.9,

provided fire protection to Washington

and adjacent wards for 24 years. The

top of a cistern visible 20 feet north

served as a water reservoir for the

fire apparatus. The men of the

Washington ...

Fort Washington

1789 - 1808

This monument stands at the site of

the fort that served as a major military base

for the Northwest Territory.

This stone replica of a blockhouse was

originally dedicated June 14, 1901

Rededicated at present site

November ...
