
Results for Water


Coastal Habitats

A Limited Resource

Water covers almost three quarters of the earth’s surface, but only three percent of it is fresh water, and less than one third of that is usable. The remaining fresh water is locked up as snow and ...

Bridgewater Veterans Memorial




In Memory of the Veterans

I Know Who You Are

I Know Where You Were

I Know What You Did

But I Don’t Know

The Pain You Went Through ...

Bridgewater World War I Monument

Honor Roll

Adams, Ernest J. • Adams, Leon D. • * Adams, Lester W. • Adams, Royal L. • Atwood, Harland • Atwood, Leon A. • Ayer, Melvin C. • Baker, Harold • Becker, Levi • Biathrow, Phillip • Bradley, Clifford ...

Water Power and Industry

The Trenton Water Power

The Trenton Water Power was a seven-mile canal built in the early 1830s along the left bank of the Delaware River to spur industrial development along the waterfront in Trenton. The canal drew water from the ...

Nation's First Watershed Project

This point is near the center of the 90,000 acre Coon Creek Watershed, the nation's first large-scale demonstration of soil and water conservation. The area was selected for this purpose by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (then Soil Erosion Service) ...

Water Power

Canal water was an important ingredient in the production of "C.F. Wenner's Choice Family Flour." Brunswick businessman Charles F. Wenner drew surplus water from the canal near Lock 30 to power the wheels and turbines of his flour mill. Wenner ...

Inland Waterway

The glaciers of the last Ice Age retreated to the north some 25,000 years ago, leaving behind the lakes that rank as Michigan's most notable geographical feature. Among the state's largest inland lakes is Burt Lake, named after William A. ...

The Waterford Mill

Amos Janney's enterprising son Mahlon inherited the first mill in 1747 and soon improved it. By 1762 he had built a new, larger mill of of stone and wood on this site. The brick structure here today replaced Mahlon's mill ...

Mountain Run Watershed

Culpeper has always depended on Mountain Run for its water. The small stream meandered through the town like so many citizens on a Sunday afternoon. But for many years, Mountain Run had a tendency to dry up during the summer ...

Camp of Waterhouse's Battery

Sherman's Division

U. S.

Camp of

Waterhouse's Battery,

"E", 1st Ill. Lt. Arty., Sherman's (5th) Div.,

Army of the Tennessee.

First position in line of battle April 6, 1862, 2 guns at Rhea House; 4 guns in front of this camp.

Marker can be reached from Peabody ...
