American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial Wall of Honor


American Merchant Marine Veterans

Veterans Memorial

Wall of Honor

Dedication: National Maritime Day, May 22, 2003

[List of state and local government officials]

Gene Frank Construction, Builder

Randall B. Montgomery, Engraver

Jerry Sturm, JSA, Design Architect

American Merchant Marine ...

Madison Township Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Building

Erected 1888

In memory of

the Soldiers-Sailors and the Marines of all wars

First Board of Trustees

Eckles McCoy •

Huntington Brown •

Abraham G. Cummins •

James H. Herring •

Norman M. Wolfe

Appointed by Manuel May Judge Court of Common Pleas

Marker is on ...

Bethel Church Cemetery

This historical graveyard has graves dating back to the 1800s. Many of the founders of the church are buried in the graveyard. They include the Yeargins, the Bramletts, and the Hollands as well as many more of the first members ...

Edgar Sawyer House

Oshkosh lumberman, banker and financier Edgar P. Sawyer hired noted local architect William Waters to design this Tudor Revival style house in 1907. Constructed of brick and limestone with parapeted gables and fluted chimneys, the house featured interior furnishings by ...

A Revolutionary Soldier

Richard Kennon of Mecklenburg served as an officer in the 5th Virginia Regiment, 1776-1778 and later in the State Militia. He served in both houses of the General Assembly and was Presiding Officer of the Senate, 1800-1802. He died in ...

Knotty Pine Restaurant

In 1875 the Delaware General Assembly enacted legislation requiring the racial segregation of public places such as train stations, hotels, and restaurants. For most of the next century this practice was strictly enforced. Established at this location in 1959, the ...


Home of the “Gray Ghost.”

Although Warrenton was spared the ravages of major battles during the war, control of the town changed hands 67 times and many homes and churches housed soldiers or were used as hospitals. Warrenton was the home ...

Greer Area Veterans Memorial



the memory of all the

members of the Armed

Forces from the Greer

area who sacrificed

their lives in the

defense of our


Marker is on 17th Street (South Carolina Route 101) east of South Line Street (South Carolina Route 101), on the left when traveling ...

Lace House

The National Register

of Historic Places

South Carolina

Department of Archives

and History:

Lace House

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Richland Street and Gadsden Street.


Barney Dreyfuss


Owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates, 1900-1932, and legendary baseball leader influential in initiating the first modern World Series, 1903. He led Pirates to 6 National League and 2 World Series titles and was vital to building Forbes Field here, 1909.

Marker ...
