Potters' Emigration Society
Near here in 1849 Thomas Twiggs began a settlement of unem...
Alexander's Battalion
Artillery Reserve - Longstreet's Corps
...Site of First Services of the Salvation Army
Alexandria, Virginia May 1885. On this site stood Captain ...
Exploration [of Galveston]
The first recorded history of Galveston Island occurred in...
Wars That Shaped the Nation
The Mexican War
The Mexican War increased the nati...
Wallingford Revolutionary War Memorial
Dedicated to the Men
Who Served
The Town of Wa...
[Galveston County] 1901-1965
After 1900 the Port of Galveston emerged as the second lar...
Gadsby’s Tavern
Erected 1792. Popular resort and famous hostelry of the Ei...
[Galveston County] Early History
General Xavier Mina, hoping to establish a settlement at w...
Consolidated Virginia & California Pan Mill
Upper end of Six Mile Canyon (Mill Street), Virginia City<...
Potters' Emigration Society
Near here in 1849 Thomas Twiggs began a settlement of unemployed potters from Staffordshire, England. To help farmers on both sides of the Fox River reach his store and blacksmith shop at Twiggs' Landing, he operated Emancipation Ferry, named to ...
Alexander's Battalion
Artillery Reserve - Longstreet's Corps
Army of Northern Virginia
Longstreet's Corps Artillery Reserve
Alexander's Battalion
Woolfolk's Jordon's Parker's Taylor's
Moody's and Rhett's Batteries
Two 20 pounder Parrotts, One 10 Pounder Parrott
Seven 3 inch Rifles, Six Napoleons
Four 24 ...
Site of First Services of the Salvation Army
Alexandria, Virginia May 1885. On this site stood Captain Joseph Pugmire and three lassies who conducted the first Salvation Army services in Alexandria. Later, the Salvation Army was located at 319 and 316 King Street from 1922 to 1965, when ...
Exploration [of Galveston]
The first recorded history of Galveston Island occurred in 1528 with the shipwreck of Cabeza de Vaca and his crewmen. They were survivors of Alvarez de Pineda’s ill-fated expediton to Florida and were held captive here by the Karankawa Indians. ...
Wars That Shaped the Nation
The Mexican War
The Mexican War increased the nation’s size by over 20 percent and continued the rapid territorial expansion of the United States. In 1846, after a number of incidents along the border between Texas and Mexico, the United ...
Wallingford Revolutionary War Memorial
Dedicated to the Men
Who Served
The Town of Wallingford
In The American Revolution
Marker is at the intersection of North Main Street and Cedar Lane, on the left when traveling north on North Main Street.
Courtesy hmdb.org
[Galveston County] 1901-1965
After 1900 the Port of Galveston emerged as the second largest in the United States. Following completion of a deep water channel to Texas City in 1904, the mainland’s major petroleum petro-chemical plants, tin smelter and allied industries, had their ...
Gadsby’s Tavern
Erected 1792. Popular resort and famous hostelry of the Eighteenth Century. Here was held in 1798 the first celebration of Washington's Birthday in which he participated, and from its steps Washington held his last military review and gave his last ...
[Galveston County] Early History
General Xavier Mina, hoping to establish a settlement at what is now the Galveston County mainland, arrived and set up breastworks at Virginia Point in 1816.
Between 1815 and 1817, three leaders of expeditions against Spanish Mexico, Mina, Henry Perry ...
Consolidated Virginia & California Pan Mill
Upper end of Six Mile Canyon (Mill Street), Virginia City
Built in 1874, the mill went into operation in January of 1975, and was destroyed later that year in the great fire of October 25th, but was quickly rebuilt at ...