
Results for Art

Unearthing Florida: Fort Barrancas

In 1862, Fort Barrancas in Pensacola was an important base of operations for Union movements into Florida and Alabama, but it was not always controlled by the North.

Just days before Florida joined the Confederacy, state troops seized two of ...

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Unearthing Florida: Salt Works

During the Civil War, salt production in Florida was vital to keeping the Confederacy supplied with long-lasting sources of perishable food, such as meat and fish.

The Union strategy of cutting off supplies from the north and blockading southern ports ...

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Unearthing Florida: Camp Walton

At the start of the Civil War, Confederate Florida looked to local militias to begin the difficult task of raising an army.

Most militias were made up of men from different social orders in the community- farmers, bricklayers, teachers, fisherman, lawyers ...

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Charles Allis Art Museum

Designed by prominent Milwaukee architect Alexander Eschweiler for Charles Allis, the first president of Allis Chalmers, and his wife Sarah in 1911, this unique Tudor-style mansion and art collection was built with the sole purpose of bequeathing it to the ...

National Historic Landmark-Start Point of LA Purchase Survey

This is the point from which the lands acquired through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 were subsequently surveyed: the land surveys for all or part of the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, North and ...

National Historic Landmark-Newark Earthworks

National Historic Landmark-Newark Earthworks

This assemblage of prehistoric Hopewellian earthworks, notable for the precision of their layout and the size of their plan, stands as evidence of the amount of planning and effort which must have gone into the development of ...

National Historic Landmark - Merriam C. Hart, Base Camp Site

Operating from this camp in the San Francisco Mountains, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, America's first bio-ecologist, conducted the investigations that led to his formulation of the Life Zone concept (1889). His work was seminal in the development of the modern ...

National Historic Landmark -Dakota Apartments

National Historic Landmark -Dakota Apartments

Completed in 1884, this is one of the earliest large-scale apartment houses.

It was designed by Henry J. Hardenbergh, who was later the architect of New York's Plaza Hotel.

Courtesy National Park Service National Historical Landmarks

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National Historic Landmark-Bartow-Pell Mansion

National Historic Landmark-Bartow-Pell Mansion

One of the best-preserved Greek Revival houses (1836-42) in the style of Minard Lafever, whose books on architecture were influential in the United States.

Exterior qualities typical of the Federal style mark it as a transitional structure.

Courtesy National ...

National Historic Landmark - Chester A. Arthur House

National Historic Landmark - Chester A. Arthur House

This 5-story brownstone row house is the best extant building associated with the career of President Chester A. Arthur (1830-1886).

He apparently took his oath of office here, occasionally visited it during ...
