
Results for Courthouse

Trinity County Courthouse

This building is one of the oldest courthouses in continuous use in California. It was built in 1857 by Henry Hocker as a hotel, store and saloon and was purchased by the Board of Supervisors in 1865. The rear section ...

Owen County Courthouse

Owen County formed by General Assembly, 1819. Spencer selected county seat, 1820. Neoclassical building designed by Jesse T. Johnson, Indianapolis and built by Christian Kanzler & Son, Evansville (1910-1911),was second courthouse on land donated by Daniel Beem. Listed in National ...

The Courthouse

The first Courthouse served Elizabeth City County (one of eight counties established in 1634) and Hampton, the county set. It was probably near the second church site of Elizabeth City Parish now the property of Hampton University. Court buildings have ...

Hampton Courthouse

“Roofless and Thoroughly Gutted”

“The courthouse, roofless and thoroughly gutted. … [Its] chimney served oar cooks well in getting supper. The Telegraph tent was soon up and the operator at work on the newly strung wire to Fort Monroe.” – Pvt. ...

Marion County / Marion Courthouse

Marker Front:

Marion County

Originally a part of colonial Craven County and Georgetown District of 1769, it was created as Liberty County by an Act of the General Assembly in 1785.

The name was changed to Marion District in 1798 and to Marion ...

Refugio County Courthouse

The county and city of Refugio are named after the Spanish Mission De Nuestra Senora Del Refugio (the Mission of our Lady of Refuge) established here in 1795. The Spanish mission building served as Refugio County's courthouse at various times ...

Eau Claire County Courthouse Square

A Place to Plan the Future

If this were summer 1856, you would be standing in Chippewa County. June 11 that year, the Chippewa County Board gave up this block for a Courthouse Square. So, when Governor Bashford signed the act ...

Courthouse - Lawrence County Tennessee

Erected 1905

Cornerstone placed June 19, 1905 by Minosa Lodge No. 542 F & A M. Lawrence County established 1817. First Courthouse on this site 1821. Commissioners appointed to select site of county seat; David Crockett, Enoch Tucker, Henry Phoenix, Josephus ...

Gibbs v. Broome, et al/1931 Courthouse

27 Courthouse Square

Should you receive the same pay for doing the same work? William B. Gibbs, teacher and principal of the Rockville Colored Elementary School, thought so, but he had to take the issue to court.

African American teachers had to ...

Red Brick Courthouse

29 Courthouse Square

After the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln and Congress created the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands to aid newly freed African Americans. By the time it closed in 1872, the Bureau had provided assistance to four million ...
