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Clinton House Museum

Not only did the future U.S. president Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State call this their first home, but they were married right in the living room. Bill and Hillary were married in October of 1975 while they were ...

Meyer Sawmill

Swan Valley Museum Sawmill

The first settlers in the Swan Valley built their cabins from logs they felled with crosscut saws and axes. Benjamin B. Holland built one of the first cabins in the 1890s not far from Holland Lake. ...

Upper Swan Valley Historical Museum

The Swan Valley retains many signs of its varied history. Old Indian trails crisscross the mountains. Remnants of trapper cabins, notched trees for marten trapping, and old phone wires strung between trees by the U.S. Forest Service to improve communication, ...

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Whalen Cabin

Grandma Whalen’s Homestead Cabin

Grandma Whalen, a widow, filed to homestead in 1918 on 160 acres in the Swan Valley. Her husband Roderick, a Northern Pacific Railroad employee, had died that year in Missoula.

Mary Ann Whalen’s homestead included a ...

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Smith Creek School

Many of the homesteaders in the Swan Valley came in 1916. Wanting their children to get an education in 1918, the homesteaders built three one-room schools: Elk Creek, Rumble Creek and Smith Creek Schools. Later other small schools were built.


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Witchcraft Victims' Memorial

The Salem Witch Outbreak of 1692 lasted for under a year, but left a mark in history that is still prominent today. Not only is the series of events remembered in history, popular culture uses aspects of the events. Unfortunately, ...

Sarah Holten and the Accusers

Sarah Holten was one of the accusers involved in the witchcraft hysteria. One of the people she accused of wrongdoing was Rebecca Nurse. Unlike many of the other accusers, she was not a child and she was married. The accusers ...

Roger Williams

The First Church of Salem is one of the oldest churches in America, originating from members of the 1629 Massachusetts Bay Colony. All the members shared the same Puritan beliefs. Ministers of the church are known to be outspoken and ...

Samuel Parris

Reverend Samuel Parris was the minister during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. He had only been living in Salem for three years prior to the outbreak. His father lived and operated in Barbados. He made enough money to fund ...

Reasons behind the Salem Witch Outbreak

During the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, people truly believed in Satan’s ability to affect the human realm through witches and wizards. Witches have been around throughout history; before and after Salem. Salem is different from other instances of witchcraft, ...
