
Results for Water

Fairwater of USS Pintado (SS-387)

Pintado made six war patrols in enemy waters, during which she disposed of five naval vessels and ten merchantmen of the Empire of Japan, sunk or otherwise disabled, totaling 132,900 tons of enemy shipping. During her fifth patrol, she rescued ...

Water for the Garrison

The spring-fed stream, reconstructed here, supplied the garrison with water for drinking and washing. Extending out from the fort was an elevated latrine called a "necessary." It ran into a short channel that fed downstream to the fort's garden.

During the ...

Waterman's Monument

This 50 foot granite obelisk was erected in 1901 by the Daughters of the Revolution. It marks the site of the only identified grave at Valley Forge, that of Lieutenant John Waterman of Rhode Island, who died on April 23, ...

Watering the Canal

Why are there two locks here? While they may look similar, the two locks played very different roles in the operation of the canal. The lock in front of you is Inlet Lock 2. The lock behind you is Lift ...

Redwood Water Tank

This Redwood Water Tank was built by the Wyoming Central Railway in 1886. It was first filled by a windmill, then by other types of pumps. It stored water for the steam engines that pulled the trains. It is one ...

Salem Waterworks

In 1771, the Moravian Town of Salem completed construction of one of the first public waterworks systems in the American Colonies. Tapping natural springs located nearby, the system used bored logs, joined and buried underground, to deliver the water a ...

Bridgewater College

Founded near this site in 1880, the college is now located 4.3 miles east in the town of Bridgewater. This liberal arts college is affiliated with the Church of the Brethren. It grew out of the Spring Creek Normal School ...

This Water Fountain

This Water Fountain

Dedicated to

The United States

Armed Forces


Abbeville American Legion


Post No. 2

November 11, 1980

Marker is on Henry M Turner Street north of Cedar Lane.


Water for the Army


In 1898 as Battery Jasper neared completion, work began on these two 30,000 gallon cisterns. Concrete gutters atop Jasper were designed to collect rain water, which was conducted to these holding tanks.

To provide additional water, particularly in times ...

Annapolis Water Company

Chartered in 1865 by the Maryland General Assembly after a fire at the State House in 1863. Waterworks began operation in 1866, designed by noted civil engineer William Rich Hutton, who had recently completed Washington Aqueduct. Innovative concrete pipes carried ...
