James Ryder Randall

1839 — 1908

"Better the fire upon thee roll,

Better the blade, the shot, the bowl,

Than Crucifixion of the soul,

Maryland! My Maryland!"

Marker is on Greene Street.


Elm Grove Campground

For over three decades starting in 1827, Elm Grove Campground, one mile east of near the bridge on Cedar Creek, was an important frontier camp site. Thousands of Santa Fe traders, Oregon and California emigrants, missionaries, mountain men, soldiers and ...

Attack On The Union Left

Confederate Regiments from Brig. Gen. Thomas Scott's, Brig. Gen. John Adams', and Brig. Gen. Winfield Featherstons's Brigades of Maj. Gen. William Loring's Division advanced under artillery fire through this northwestern parcel of Carnton across the Nashville and Decatur Railroad tracks ...

Sears Lane

General Grant used this lane to reach the McLean House where General Lee was waiting to discuss the turns of surrender.

April 9, 1865.

Marker is on Old Courthouse Road (State Highway 24), on the right when traveling east.

Courtesy ...

Mahaffie House and Farmstead

"These is a romance about the stage coach that will never die. Its jolly driver with his six-in-hand, the merry passenger with his jokes ans stories, and the stations along the road where we used to stretch our tired limbs ...


Highest point in Maryland: Backbone Mountain, Garrett County, 3360 feet above sea level. Named for Captain Charles E. Hoye, founder of the Garrett County Historical Society. Dedicated September 1, 1952.

Marker can be reached from U.S. 219 5.5 miles south ...

The Big Bonanza

Virginia City, Nevada

The “Big Bonanza” was the greatest mining strike in the history of the American West. In 1872, John Mackay, James Fair, James Flood & William O’Brien formed an alliance and took control of the “Consolidate Virginia” and ...

Republic F-105 Thunderchief

From 1964 to 1972 the Flying Tigers flew the F-105 tactical fighter bomber at McConnell AFB, Kansas, where the tigers functioned as both an operational unit and a training unit. Two of its squadrons served in Vietnam. While at McConnell, ...

Torrington Soldiers Memorial

To The Defenders

Of The Union

1861  1865

[ back ]




Malvern Hill

Cold Harbor


Cedar Creek


A.D. 1879

Marker is at the intersection of South Main Street and Litchfield Street, on the left when ...

Thigpen Trail

Thigpen Trail, oldest military road in Georgia, was cut by James Thigpen to transport military supplies of Col James Moore, former Carolina governor. It followed a wellbeaten trail of the Indians from the mountains to the sea in use before ...
