
Results for B

Bluff Fire

Wildland fire has long been recognized as one of the most significant natural processes operating within and shaping the northern Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade Mountain ecosystems. Virtually all vegetation communities here show evidence of fire ...

Brokeoff Mountain

Brokeoff Mountain, in Lassen Volcanic National Park, was once part of a much larger composite volcano, called Brokeoff Volcano that towered 1,000 feet above Lassen Peak and looked similar to Mount Shasta.


Blue Oak Grassland

This community derives its name from, not surprisingly, blue oaks — which are low branching, wide spreading trees that reach heights in excess of 50 feet. Blue oaks are well adapted to dry grassland sites and are a familiar sight ...

Tenant House and Barn

As the Camden family spent less and less time on the banks of Clear Creek, they realized the need for a caretaker. By 1868, Camden spent winters in Oakland so the girls could go to school. Not only did the ...

Toll Bridge

In 1865, Charles Camden built a covered bridge at Whiskey Creek, improved roads from Old Shasta to Clear Creek, built a bridge at Whiskey Creek, and improved and covered the bridge over Clear Creek. Camden charged ten cents to walk ...

De Borgia Schoolhouse

Along a quiet country road, just off I-90’s Exit 18, stands the De Borgia Schoolhouse. At first glance, it is an unassuming wood frame building with white paint coating its clapboard siding. But for the generations brought up in the ...

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De Borgia Cemetery

The De Borgia Cemetery has served its community for over 100 years. Local businesses and citizens continue to care for the memorials and graves, mindful that the cemetery is a tribute to De Borgia as well as to the individuals ...

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Alberton Gorge

Alberton Gorge—known by some locals as the Scenic Gorge—is renowned for its whitewater rafting. This 11-mile stretch of the Clark Fork River boasts class III and class IV rapids, attracting an estimated 30,000 adventure seekers each year. Some of the ...

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Alberton, Montana, is a town shaped by transportation. Located in a Clark Fork River canyon, travelers through this part of the world have long passed between its steep mountainsides—whether by foot, trail, wagon, or interstate highway. It was the railroad, ...

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Bridge Creek Springs

The purpose of the park is stated in its establishing act signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on May 22, 1902. The park was to be an area "dedicated and set apart forever as a public park or pleasure ...
